The Greta Thunderguts Generation
This comes around every now and then.
Some twat on the gubmint back benches proposes a bill to lower the voting age to 16.
16 for fucks sake!
This is the age where they have little experience of life. They have been indoctrinated by TikTok. They get their education through Instagram. They are full of lofty ideals that have little or no place in the real world. Their Real World is a little five inch screen that has to accompany them everywhere.
This is the age where they are full of crap about diet, veganism, the desire to change sex if they so wish and demands to “save the planet”.
Even worse, in this touchy feely world of protecting delicate little minds, the system panders to their whims, preaching “inclusivity” and then reinforcing the whole concept that Youth somehow has all the answers to life’s problems.
Strangely enough, some may think that they are intelligent enough to decide who runs the country but are still far too young to decide if they can smoke or drink. They are too young to drive a car yet they’re old enough to say who makes the law that applies to us all.
What’s next?
Classes on politics in the kindergarten?
Seems to me that if you’re old enough to vote; you’re damned well old enough to pay taxes. Hey kid, you voted for it, time to pony up and help pay for it.
You are of course joking. How many 16 or 17 year olds do you know who are actually working?
They can run a tab. Wait until they hit the 30 to 35-year-old mark. Then slap a lien on every damned thing they have for back taxes and interest.
That’s an argument for a 2-tier legislature, one elected by all citizens 16+, and an upper house elected by citizens 16+ elected only by net tax payers. The second or upper chamber sets the overall budget and the taxation levels to fund that budget, the lower chamber or commons sets the laws under which everyone lives or suffers and gets to spend the money they are allowed.
Not many countries have tried this system, but some have come close.
That is an excellent idea. A Lower House that’s elected by 16 year olds [and above] that can propose anything they like. Then an Upper House elected by more mature adults [over 25?] who have the final say in all proposals. That could work?
Yes, of course. Being young, ill educated and believing in any and all leftist, woke, green narratives; without the maturity and experience to discern the lies and mendacity of your dear leaders; these are ***Exactly*** the voters that are needed to ensure the “correct” outcome of future elections.
Coming soon: “Retirement” of elderly, white, reactionary, bigoted, esp. male, etc. voters from the electoral role. Because {insert reasons here}…
PS: they are already indoctrinating all kinds
Iâve got one of those and whilst he does in fact have a job- part time- i most definitely wouldnât let him decide anything important on his own let alone whoâs in charge for the next few years., although he does love rally cars and steak so I donât have to worry about that end of it. That all being said thereâs not one of them actually worth voting for anyway.
That last bit is very true. Though next they’ll be proposing that kids can become candidates in an election?
To give votes to 16-year-olds is a version of the Whore’s Prerogative, power without responsibility. If you’re not ready to live up to the consequences of your actions, you’re certainly not ready to vote.
Good point. Why should a child be able to say what an adult can or can’t do? Give them the vote and then scrap children’s courts. If they want to be adults then treat them all as such.