A nasty reminder
The other day the radio was on.
I wasn’t listening and it was just a background noise. However my subconscious picked up a word that rang alarm bells in my head. It couldn’t have been the C word? Surely I must be mistaken?
Yesterday Herself was flicking through the television channels and she selected what was obviously a film. Once again I ignored it as I was enjoying the peace and quiet in my spot. The sun was shining. It was warm outside and in fact I have been leaving the doors to the garden open all day for the last couple of days. It was almost summery.
Alarm bells started ringing again only this time it was a cacophony of alarm bells.  My subconscious had picked up on horrible jingly “music” [for want of a better word] and mentions of holidays and happiness. Once again the C word was mentioned several times. What the fuck?
I went in to see what was on. Herself had killed the sound at this point as she said the film was rubbish. I had a look at the channel – “Christmas24”. We’re not even half way through October and they are putting this shite on 24 hours a day? Why? Who the fuck wants this crap on streaming all day and night?
I am a summer person. I like the brightness and the [relative] warmth. I like the doors being open and the sound of birdsong. I see little merit in dark evenings and cold wet weather. I have a small dread of the clocks going back this month. I do not like winter.
And here they are; foisting reminders of the depth of winter at the very time I’m trying not to think of it?
We were in a couple of supermarkets the other day and as much as we searched high and low we just couldn’t find the Easter eggs…
They’re waiting until they get rid of the Halloween crap first.
They used to run Christmas films on TV in July, and my other half would sit there watching them.
I walked into a big box DIY store last Friday- October 6th- and came face to face with a massive display- over 10% of the store- of Xmas tat.
As a pensive curmudgeon, still with at least two brain-cells capable of operating in parallel, it is clear that you will never fit the demographic model to which such promotions are targeted, so rest easy on your elevated pedestal of intellect and leave the hard-of-thinking or terminally bewildered to enjoy being the centre of the slippery marketeers’ attentions. They deserve each other.
Living literally on the other side of the world to you, we have the ” benefit ” of having Christmas in the middle of our summer. Coming from the UK, I am used to the dark and cold variety. Believe me, seeing all the smug,grinning faces of pretend families round the Christmas barbecues in the TV ads is even worse than the fake snow ones in the UK. I disliked Christmas in the UK, I absolutely hate it here.
Ha ha, someone else in the antipodes, approx;- (NZ opposite Spain).
Initially I’d thought the “C” word might be a C° sign, as in temperature…
The magic 42° below, equal in F & C. We even have a vodka named after it…
But no, Xmas. Which spelling I found out later after years of badmouthing of it had historic precedents.
I just attempt to ignore the foolishness, sometimes try to correct it. With close friends;- else ignore.
You’ll be enjoying the warble gloaming when spring gets around again … we’re just coming into it here.
Best wishes & cheers ~