Losing the plot
There are some things I swore I would never do.
One near the top of the list was to get a Kindle. I love books. I love the feel of them and the smell of them [if they’re new]. Kindle was a step too far into this strange modern world.
I bought a Kindle.
I can’t remember exactly what prompted this sacrilegious step but the Devil’s deed was done.
I confess I like it. It is convenient once I have got used to its quirks. I seems to open several pages after the last bit I remember but that may just be my memory, or the fact that I was already going to sleep and didn’t register what I was reading. That gives a clue to why I read so much – I like to read myself to sleep.
One of the huge advantages of the Kindle is that if I finish a book, I can immediately download another and carry on reading. That’s not so easy with a normal book as it involves either heading off to the library or a bookshop or else ordering one online and waiting a few days for it to arrive. Neither alternative is going to get me to sleep at the time.
I also like the feature that if I come across an obscure word it will kindly give me the dictionary definition if I ask it nicely.
However Kindle has it has its disadvantages.
There is nothing more annoying that being half asleep and happily reading away when I suddenly get a message saying my battery is low. How could I explain to a previous generation that books require batteries? It’s annoying but fortunately doesn’t happen as much these days/nights provided I remember to switch off the Interweb connection.
The other one is more awkward.
I am running out of authors. I am delving deep into unknown territories and trying new authors on a regular basis. One problem I have found is that if I read two books by the same author I tend to confuse the plots, so I have taken to jumping from author to author.
But what happens when I have read every book there is?
The World will end.
Heh! That reminds me of The Nine Billion Names of God. Well worth a read.
Thanks for the link – Arthur C. Clarke was very good at short stories like that.
Isn’t the Kindle the one where you don’t get to “own” any of the reading material and Amazon can remove it at any time, or worse can “revise” it to comply with the current narrative, remove hateful words or ideas, etc.?
I haven’t a clue about all these readers and what I own and don’t. It just seemed to be an easy way of downloading books, and also I was used to ordering books off Amazon. It works and that’s enough for me.
You can get the complete works of Sir Henry Rider Haggard on kindle for 49p. H G Wells is 99p I think.
I don’t think I’ll ever run out of things to read.
Arthur C Clarke, Eric Frank Russell, Isaac Asimov, Ray Bradbury, Robert Heinlein, Frank Herbert, HG Wells, Jules Verne, Poul Anderson, Philip I Dick, Larry Niven, Cryl M Kornbluth, Daniel Keyes, Kurt Vonnegut and a few others I revelled in from age 12 on. We had a good public library and they stocked up on these authors. The readers were careful and the books lasted for years. I used to look out for the yellow hard-back book sleeves. Gollancz
Fantasy? Meh. Never understood why it got bundled in with SF.
Hi Grandad,
You could always get into classic literature? Many out of copyright books are available free on Amazon, and if they are not, just look at sites like Archive.org, or Project Guttenberg, (https://www.gutenberg.org/). Both have books in Kindle format. Go back to early reading like Wilkie Collins, ‘The Moonstone’, classic horror like ‘Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde’, ‘Frankenstein’, or early detective stories like those by freeman Wills Crofts, (he was Irish too). For travel books try ‘A Vagabond Journey Around the World: A Narrative of Personal Experience by Franck’. You will find enough on there to keep you reading for a year or two, and it is free! Enjoy. 🙂
Wow! Thanks everyone for the author suggestions. There should be enough there to keep me going for a couple of weeks.
Happy days.
First we carved glyphs in to tablets. Then we wrote letter on scrolls. Next we printed books. Today, we scroll through books on tablets.