On the binge
I am tired.
I crave sleep.
It’s my own fault.
Well, no it’s not my fault. I blame Netflix.
We started watching “Better Call Saul”. Grand. I hadn’t watched it before and before we knew what we were doing we got hooked on the series. Therein lies the problem.
Netflix has a little feature whereupon reaching the end of an episode it slides almost seamlessly into the next episode. This seamlessness even happens at the end of a series [or season, as they irritatingly call it] so before you realise it, you a plunged into the next series. This of course all means that you find suddenly that the dawn chorus is ringing in the trees and the sun is beginning to lighten the eastern skies.
This happened to us before when we watched “Breaking Bad” which of course is the sequel to “Better Call Saul” even though they were filmed in reverse order. That caused a ton of short nights but that was my own fault as I had to manually load each episode.
Presumably when “Saul” is finished we’ll fell obliged to watch “Breaking Bad” all over again.
After that we’ll just have to sleep for a month to catch up.
I don’t even need to binge watch anything in order to suffer from being tired all the time. Couldn’t anyway since we don’t have any “piped in” TV signal (we only watch movies on DVD from our collection). Otherwise, I’m just tired all the time these days anyway.
I must confess to getting my money’s worth out of Netflix. While broadcast TV is basically 100% shit, Neflix is only 99% shit and the 1% is worth it. Almost.