
Obituary — 8 Comments

  1. The way I look at it is.
    If you have been in the habit of doing something which increases the probability of death, and you then take up something else which increases the probability of death, then the probability of you shuffling off because of the first habit is reduced.
    This is a good thing.

    • Of course the probability of death never changes, it’s always 100%, the only variable is in its timing – whether any particular activity impacts on that timing is the issue. However, we must also consider the quality of life ahead of that absolutely certain event – we may indeed be able to delay it, but usually only at a cost of eliminating aspects of pleasure during that time.
      As my wise old dad advised, if you don’t drink, don’t smoke and don’t go with mucky women, you won’t live any longer, but it will just feel like it. He died a happy man at 86.

      • So basically the chances of my death are 100%. But partaking of sugary drinks increases the risk to 100%. However by giving up my pipe would decrease the risk to 100%. I think I’ll stick with the tea and pipe. It’s easier on the maths.

  2. Kingsly Amis once said that he liked a few pints, and giving them up just so the he could live for two more years in a nursing home in Weston Super Mare just wasn’t going to happen…

    Very understandable!

    • Theoretically I can increase my lifespan by quitting a few of my pleasures, but what’s the point if I then have to live without my pleasures? Increasing lifespan isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

    • Wow! I’m impressed, especially by the global warming thing. No more outdoor hockey? The end of the Olympics? We must save the planet immediately!

  3. That list of “significant harmful associations” looks a lot like the possible side effects of every medication I’m required to take per day–except for possible hair loss and purple tongue.

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