Needling the vet
I brought Penny to the vet again yesterday.
I don’t mind the trip too much as it’s on back country roads so I can put the boot down. Ironically part of the journey is on a dead straight stretch about half a mile long with nothing but hedges on each side, and of course it’s subject to a 50Kph limit. Fuck that. I have been overtaken by cars on that straight when I have been doing near the ton.
Anyhows, back to the vet.
It was a different vet this time. I don’t know how many vets they have in the practice but it’s rare to see the same one twice. This one was of the female identity and I gather she wasn’t in the best of moods.
The first crack was about Penny’s Cone of Shame and why wasn’t she wearing it? I said that I had taken it off immediately because Penny couldn’t eat or drink with it on. Vet not impressed.
I told her that I had left the bandage over the operation on to give her the pleasure of removing it. Vet not amused.
She did cheer up marginally when she examined the wound. Healing nicely already and no signs of infection.
I told her that Penny was walking a hell of a lot better since the operation as surely that would please her. It didn’t. Any improvement according to her was down to the anesthetics still floating around the bloodstream. She was going to be in agony when they wore off. I was going to point out that surely the anesthetic would have worn off after nearly a week but decided not to bother.
“You’re to put the cone on as soon as you get home as she’ll pick at the stitches”.
I said that both Penny and I hated the cone and I would keep an eye on her.
“Well put it on at night as that’s when she’s likely to attack the stitches.”
“She’ll be fine” said I. “I’ll know if she starts and I’ll stop her.”
“But you’ll be asleep.”
“The little hoor insists on sleeping on my feet. I’ll know immediately if she starts moving around”.
She almost smiled at that.
So home we went. Penny jumped on the couch and immediately went to inspect her stitches and tried to pull one out.
“Oy!” said I. “Stop that or I’ll put the cone back on”!.
She stopped. She has shown no interest in the wound since.
She’s a smart dog.
So glad to hear that Penny is doing fine GD. IMO she’d be better off without both cone and bandage though, let her at the stitches, she wants to lick the wound rather than pick at them. Its instinct as a dog’s saliva is a natural antiseptic and Penny will heal her own wound faster than stitches ever could.
Penny has an uncanny ability to sniff out blood. I frequently end up with tears and scratches on my hands from the brambles in the Estate. She invariably sniffs out the wounds, even ones I wasn’t aware of. She then insists on giving them a very gentle licking. Unusually though she is completely ignoring her own wound.
Good for her! (Penny, not the vet.)
Hear Hear!
Would one of those little bodysuits they recommend for cats now be better?
Heh! She would be so insulted. Anyway the wound is on her lower leg so a coat wouldn’t cover it.
The site is slow opening comments again. The site opened normally, i.e. a second or so but when I tried to open comments it was about 10 seconds.
Anyway, I came in here to wish you a happy birthday. 😀
EDIT: Also, it took about 10 seconds to post the comment and a similar amount of time after that for the edit link to appear.
Bugger! I have stripped out just about everything [which has resulted in a lot more spam getting halfway in]. Any more stripping and there are several things that will just fail to work properly. I’m down to the bare essentials.
Having said that, I find the Admin area of the site tediously slow – a lot more than 10 seconds to load a page. I’m getting too old for this lark.
And thanks for the wishes! I’m surprised anyone remembered.
Yup, Penney’s right intelligent she is. Someone has to be (wink wink and all that). And a Happy Birthday to you, sir. Put a candle on your pill box. That’s what I do.
Thank you sir. I’m getting a bit old for candles. The number required would set off too many alarms.