Contradicting Climate Chaos
I came across a couple of items recently that quite confused me.
The first was a report that “Big Oil” had somehow accurately predicted Warble Gloamiing back in the seventies. This is obviously an attempt to replicate the big scandal that Big Tobacco knew all about the effects of cigarettes back in the seventies and never told anyone. Now Big Oil are under fire.
Now this may or may not be true [I honestly don’t believe a thing I read these days] but it did set me thinking. If Big Oil did know all about climate change then how did they know? Back in the seventies computers were rare beasts and mostly confined to universities. So did Big Oil work out their predictions using pure brain power? Where did they get all the data required? How did their mathematical predictions tally so closely with modern computing power and accurately predict the results of modern computer models that have to be repeatedly rewritten? It would be like a child’s attempt to accurately calculate the mathematics accurate enough to land a man on the Moon using a ZX 80.
Somehow, that story stinks. Or else Big Oil have some amazing mathematicians on the payroll?
The other little story concerns predictions that next summer is going to break all records. Or maybe the summer after. Or the summer after that. They’re not quite sure but apparently El Niño is up to its tricks again. This is a major panic-piece designed to scare the shit out of us and shame us all to banish all transport in favour of walking, and saving the planet in the process. I’m not quite sure of the purpose of this hysterical prediction unless it’s funded by a sun-cream firm or someone selling garden furniture and barbecues? Personally I think it’s great news. I don’t have to book a holiday in France after all.
There was one little sentence tucked away at the bottom [that the editor obviously missed] that amused me –
Declining air pollution in China, which blocks the sun, was also increasing heating, he said.
Woah! Hold the horses there. Declining pollution is causing Warble Gloaming? These people who want us to forgo everything and revert to the Middle Ages because of all the pollution we’re causing are now saying that’s causing the warming? Does that mean we should all quickly start burning smokey coal, old tyres and sump oil to rebuild that lovely cover of pollution to shade us from the sun?
I do wish they’d make up their minds.
“I do wish theyâd make up their minds.”
You’re asking for quite a lot here Grandad. Dial the expectations back a bit.
At that time, the 1970s The Science, and 97 percent of Scientists said that the glaciers were coming South to reshape the drumlins and push over the Statue of Liberty. The Science was inarguable and fixed.
So when some Enron bored engineers up in the Arctic Circle, using their six-figure lot tables and big slide-rules came up with result that this Global Glaciation belief was mince, their careers froze. The were banished to The North Slope until they they got themselves re-educated.
Ironicaly, when they were allowed back into society and started to express the belief that we were all going to freeze, in accordance with the Scientific Concensus, the fixed, immovable Science Convention had done the Reverse Ferret, and so they were again banished to North Alaska to witness the tundra busting into bloom.