
For the birds — 4 Comments

  1. My book tells me that rooks are very sociable birds.
    And very intelligent. And will eat anything.
    Looks like you and she/he (They are intelligent enough not to mess about with genders.) are a good match.
    Cultivate a friendship and maybe you will be able to wander down to The Village with Penny by your leg and Lenore* on your shoulder.
    Maybe acquire a limp and an old wooden crutch.
    The Boston tourists will love it, and you will have become a “character” graciously accepting pints and wee drams in return for muttering “Nevermore”, even when not asked if you will ever trust a politician.
    *I know it’s not a raven, but them Bostonites will not know.

  2. I remember seeing a video somewhere where someone was regularly being visited by a raven. They were knowledgeable enough to try and teach the raven to say ‘never more’, but stupid enough to do it by continually repeating the phrase “Say, never more” to it!!?

  3. Sadly I have to announce the sad news that Charlie didn’t make it through the night. He crossed the Rainbow Bridge to the Great Rookery in the sky.

    Funeral arrangements to be published in the local papers.

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