Tomorrow never comes
So life carries on apace.
But not for much longer apparently.
To listen to that mob at the COP extravaganza the world is going to end tomorrow. This doesn’t worry me as according to them the world is always going to end tomorrow. Maybe they’re right. Some day in the next so many million years it will be the tomorrow, but tomorrow never actually happens. Have you noticed that? You go to bed thinking you’ll wake up tomorrow but when you do wake, it’s today and you’ll have to wait another 24 hours before it’s tomorrow. This happens every single time. In the entire history of mankind nobody has ever woken up to a tomorrow.
Yer Man at COP made a great soundbite with his “we’re on the high road to climate hell and our foot is on the accelerator“. The meeja loved that; it makes a great headline. But it’s just another piece of panic rhetoric to try and make us comfortable at spending billions to somehow avert the inevitable.
Poor George Lee [RTE’s Environment Correspondent] is having hysterics in the evening news. I worry for his health. He’s on the road to a heart attack. He should have stayed with Economics when he steered us happily through the financial crisis but putting him in Environment just hasn’t worked. I see the panicky look in his eyes and want to shout at him to relax and enjoy life but I think he’s too far gone at this stage. Poor George.
Personally I’m just happy to live for today.

But then, as a consolation, there will be jam.
I’m with you on this one Grandad. I roll out of bed in the morning and if I can find a solid floor under my feet; it’s going to be a fine day.