Giota beag Gaeilge
Thoughts sometimes get stuck in my head for some reason.
They are like earworms. The subject keeps returning until I do something stupid, like scribble about it. So here goes.
I suppose it was triggered by a piece by Longrider what he writ about the Welsh language, I had similar thoughts about the Irish language and those thoughts remain, which is a little irritating.
I have had a somewhat stormy relationship with Irish. No sooner had they get me started on English [in junior school] than they started on the Irish. This was terribly confusing as back then the Irish language had only 18 letters in its alphabet compared to the English 26. Also it had a different font so I had to learn that too. To complicate matters, acute accents on vowels and lenited consonants were also used.
I had just about got used to all this when they changed everything. Printers were somewhat pissed off as they had to carry an additional load of type faces on top of the normal English ones. So the font was changed to its English equivalents and they replaced the buailte [the dot over the lenited consonant – e.g. Ä] with an ‘h’ after the consonant. That fucked up my head altogether as I had to relearn to write Irish.
At the time, Irish was compulsory. It had to be taught in all schools and worst of all, it was compulsory in all state exams. And if you failed in Irish you failed in every other subject even if you got top marks for them. This happened to one of my classmates and he had to repeat an entire year in school just because he failed Irish. I suppose the thinking there was if every child could speak Irish we would carry on using it through our daily lives.
Neither of my parents had a word of Irish so I was on my own. I struggled and just couldn’t grasp the language. My parents were worried about this and sent me to boarding school for a year. That place was a cross between a prison and a boot camp. We were forced to speak Irish and a word of English would lead to a severe beating, so Irish was literally beaten into me. I really fucking hated that school and had nightmares about if for many years after. It worked though and by the following summer I was a fluent Irish speaker.
I sailed through my Irish Intermediate and Leaving exams so that was grand. When I went for my interview with RTE I was able to satisfy them that my knowledge of the language was better than the interviewer’s [Irish was a compulsory requisite for entry into any state or semi-state job].
I have hardly spoken a word since. It was handy a couple of times when I wanted to say something private to the Missus when we were out foreign.
Irish is no longer compulsory as far as I know. It has however become an official language in the EU which means they had to train and ship dozens of translators over to Brussels. Also every state document has to be available in both Irish and English. We also have a very heavily subsidised television and radio service for Irish speakers.
If the exercise was to make Irish the normal language it was a grand failure. You’d be very lucky to overhear anyone speaking it anywhere other than in the remote West. I have lost most of it. I can just about understand it but would have extreme difficulty in speaking it.
Having said all that, it is a beautiful language for poetry and song, but it is struggling. It’s not quite dead but it is having trouble breathing.
One of the bits of schooling I hated was having to read and translate Paig Sayers which seemed to be the only compulsory literature in the language. She wrote about her life on the Blasket Islands and it was a litany of misery, dreariness and tragedy. Few Irish will fondly remember Peig.
So I laughed out loud when I read this.
Learning any ‘foreign’ language is a good exercise, if only because it forces you to think about the structure of your own default language in a way you never would otherwise. However, if you’re going to impose that extra burden on kids in school, then I’m sure it would be smarter to make sure it was a language which could be remotely useful to them in later life.
On that level, almost any language spoken naturally by very many millions would qualify (plus Latin, as the base of so many others), but I’m afraid the tiny minority preservation languages like Welsh, Gaelic, Cornish etc. don’t get a look in. They’re at best an affectation, at worst a distraction – if some loopy folk want to waste their own time learning a minor tribal tongue from Papua New Guinea, Bodmin, Anglesey or Dublin, that’s their choice, but I wouldn’t waste any of my kids’ time or brain-power on it.
In fairness to my school, French was on the syllabus too. Unfortunately we had a shite teacher for it – a “Brother” who was more interested in little boys than in teaching. I failed miserably every French exam. What was very strange was that when I actually got to France many years later I was able to communicate reasonably well. I have no idea how that happened because it wasn’t from French lessons in school!
That is easy for you to say. – post title.
So this woman had a second home. Tut tut.
Also like our late Queen, she never shit, pissed or farted.
Or was one of her homes the bog?
And who did she talk to? And who corrected her grammar?
In fact was the whole thing a scam on the scale of Ossian who satisfied a need for a cultural icon.
Paig could not read what her scribe had written. Because she did not want a voice record.
Gyutha byug gale-ge. Very easy to say 🙂
If I remember correctly she dictated the whole lot in her later years. Maybe the purpose was to make the rest of us feel better about our life?
Even a Sassenach Like myself has encountered the traumatic impact of Peig.
And yet the Israelis resurrected Hebrew. Language is an important part of identity, at least for some.
I gre up in a bilingual household – English and German, though I was never v good at the latter – and when you speak a different tongue you take on a slightly different character somehow, like putting on a different pair of glasses.
I am going nuts! I am not getting any notifications in my email about your posts. I cannot ‘like’ I cannot comment! I am on a Samsung tablet now, hoping this will get through to you. What do I do? Anyone? I tried ‘follow’ again, but it simply tells me that my email is already registered. Anyway, trying this now. Fingers crossed X
The crowd who initially did the mailing shut down suddenly but I imported all the mails to a new system. Maybe that caused a glitch [though I did it months ago]. As for the ‘like’… I have no idea. It just seems to be temperamental. If it’s any consolation I keep losing broadband for no reason. It just goes for a minute or two and then comes back again. It always chooses the moment I select ‘Publish’ too.
Wow!!!! It uploaded!!!!!!!
Of course it did. 🙂
In NZ now there is the pushed Te Reo, Maori language (using a culturally appropriated Roman script of course!) everywhere on the news & etc.
Some local comments:
Radio jocks have been cancelled for (correctly) intimating that they were a stone age group of murderous cannibalistic warring tribes…
Who far from being “colonised” might have been civilised by the arrival of James Cook and with the backing of the UK Crown at the time.
But life goes on, and some would like to re-write history or put a gloss on it.
But some languages are maybe worthy of saving, keeping alive?
Of course Te Reo exists as such, borrowed words and all, but let the interested speakers of it keep it alive, not force it down every bodies throats!
What about Welsh, Gaelic, as well as Irish?
I imagine there are worthy causes to promote them too?