In a state o’ chassis
I honestly don’t know what’s wrong with the world.
In America the Supreme Court has declared that the Supreme Court is wrong. This has upset one hell of a lot of people. I can see trouble ahead.
The new craze of randomly shooting or knifing people seems to be catching on.
Putin seems determined to goad someone into starting World War Three.
A bloke in the UK wanted to become a woman so they chopped his balls off and now he wants them back, which they say is impossible. When are these fucking idiots going to realise that you can’t turn a Mercedes into a Rolls Royce just by changing the radiator grill?
Here in Ireland inflation is rampant but those who can no longer afford food or rent have been told they have to wait until the October budget at the very earliest for any help as the gubmint doesn’t want to cause inflation. Of all the weirdness in the current climate, that one is near the top.
Still in Ireland there has been great celebrations because some mayor has been elected. The joy apparently lies in the new mayor being one of the LGBTQKYTFFERDWS+ variety. Big fucking deal. Of course this is “Gay Pride Month” or something so we are all supposed to celebrate someone else’s sexual preferences. Weird.
There is a new “sub-variant” of the Virus running rampant but everyone is ignoring the fact except for a few “medical experts”. It’s nice to have some good news anyway.
Here at The Manor we continue to cough and sneeze though I have managed to reduce my nose blowing from four sheets of kitchen paper to three. This cold produces some remarkably sticky slimy snot in vast quantities.
We’re at the height of Summer and it’s pissing down outside.
Height of summer it is. A couple of days ago I was uncomfortably hot for at least 30 minutes during the afternoon – and today has seen periods of sunshine interspersed with stormy bouts of very heavy horizontal rain. The rainbows are much brighter than those that happen in the winter.
The sun is actually shining at the moment though that’s not expected to last. Forecast for the week ahead – rain. At least the central heating is wound back to just one burst a day.
Sheets of sticky, slimy snot?
Back in the 50s every Irish parlour, butcher’s, fishmonger’s and baker’s shop had a pulled out roll of that stuff hanging from the ceiling.
It was called “fly-paper”, and when it was completely black on both sides it was replaced.
Rumour has it that the patisserie in every Irish village would gather all fully occupied fly-paper and incorporate them into a delicacy known as “Fly’s Cemetery.”
I remember those buns! For the life of me I can’t remember what we called them. It was something along the lines of dead bug buns or dead fly buns.
Raining in Ireland? Sounds like a “climate emergency” to me.
Have you ever been to Ireland? Sounds normal to me.
Well I’ve seen Father Ted (Arse!!!) and I watched “the quiet man”. Didn’t seem to rain excessively.
I’m wondering where the orange groves and olive trees are that I should be living among by now?
You do realise that all that rain was stolen from the oppressed turd world and they’ll soon be asking for shipments of water as reparations
I think that the Irish (like the Scots) have more words relating to precipitation than the Inuits ( or whatever they are called this week) have for snow.
My favourite is ” It’s a soft day. ” An absolutely perfect discription.
In Scotland people will tell you that “It’s coming down stair- rods.” I am sure many folk won’t know what a stair-rod is.