The horror to come
The medics are losing their tenuous grip on the control of the country and are beginning to panic.
It looks likely that all the “emergency laws” will expire next Monday and the coven calling themselves Nphet have been disbanded. Life is returning to normal where we shall be back to being governed by a bunch of incompetent trough feeders with not a doctor in sight. Some of the medical people aren’t too happy about that.
First out of the traps was McConkey. He featured regularly in the past two years with his dark predictions and whipping up the fear factor. If he had had his way, we would have been forced to wear masks at all times, even when we sleep. This harbinger of doom has discovered a new variant. Quelle horreur! This new variant could sweep the country and who knows, it may be more deadly? One of the coven has even found a Study in Japan that suggests it’s more serious than Omicron. We are doooomed, I tell you, doooomed.
A day later we get a different twist on things. Forget variants. The real trouble to come is Long Covid [or Post-Covid Syndrome to make it sound more terrifying]. Apparently if we have been struck down by the Virus we have the happy prospect that at some stage in the future we may, just possibly, die of a heart attack or a stroke. It is much too soon to cast off our masks and abandon antisocial distancing. Failure to retain the emergency measures is to condemn us to heart failure instead of the statistically likely heart failure. Maybe it’s a more deadly heart failure that will more seriously kill us?
So don’t for a moment think the Emergency is gone. It is essential that our future lives will be governed by the Church of Health and Fitness.
Someone cull the fuckers, please?
Strange that the problems that Long Covid cause are the same as are being reported as caused by the weird vaccines.
Sounds like a Stay Out Off Jail Free card.
But we all know the vaccines were tested before release? Surely they must have run proper trials? After all, Big Pharma said they were completely safe.
Oh, to hell with them all!
To quote a Hank Williams lyric “I’ll never get out of this world alive.”
I have been reading a list of the symptoms for Covid. Most of them sound very much like a common cold to me.I am now convinced having read them that I must have had Covid several times during my life.Here in New Zealand we are still trying to prise the doomsters sticky fingers off our lives and get back to normal.I have been heartened to follow Dr John Chapman on Youtube, he seems to be the only doctor who is not frightened by illness and gives a measured and comprehensive account of what has and is likely to happen as the virus mutates.He has access to figures from all over the world and takes a realistic approach to the interpretation of them.
You’ve had it rough down there [I still can’t figure how you all fall off the planet, seeing as you’re upside down]. A policy of trying to prevent a virus reaching a country is worse than useless. Unless of course you’re happy to live forever in total isolation….
The real problem is, we have a Labour Govt that is useless and opposition parties who are even more useless. Still the Peasants are now revolting and show no sign of giving up. The falling off the planet thing,strong glue and willpower.