Just a little suggestion
Our lot have finally lost it.
I almost feel some sympathy for our “medical experts”, but that is a very large almost. No, In fact I have no sympathy at all.
They had their heyday back in the start when the Virus first appeared. They again had a grand drama at the beginning of this year but we got tired of the constant gloomy faces and the doom laden pronouncements each evening.
They are now running around like the proverbial headless chickens in the face of this latest Variant. They honestly haven’t a clue what to do and are frantically issuing instructions that would baffle the sharpest minds. Take a PCR test. No. Don’t take a PCR test, take and antigen test instead. Take a test before going anywhere and then stay at home. If you feel unwell, isolate yourself and take a PCR test or an antigen test and stay there for five days, or seven days, or three days.
One of their latest dire warnings was that if we think we have the Virus then we probably have the Virus. So the Virus is thought induced? Infection by mind control? The 5G crowd are going to love that, not to mention the hypochondriacs.
They do overlook a couple of salient points in their panic.
Okay, I grant the so called infection rate is hitting the high notes. Over twenty thousand yesterday compared to the previous peak of eight thousand. That looks bad? A reason to panic?
But ICU patients are down. The figure has been steadily falling for a long time now. There are 88 patients, but last January there were over 200. A bit of a difference?
I grant that hospital rates are climbing again but 619 compared to last January’s figure of over 2,000 patients? Get a fucking grip!
Another point they seem to be overlooking is that for the last two years most of the country had been frantically wearing masks, washing their hands and “socially distancing”. While this may slow the spread of the Virus it also slows the spread of other viruses [virii?!]. People’s natural immunity hasn’t had a kick for two years so will be lower than normal. This is especially true for kids who are normally great at spreading infections around like confetti.
This latest variant seems to have all the bluster of the ordinary flu. Everyone who is supposed to be “vulnerable” has been punctured three times so for fucks sake just let it have its day. Let’s all get it [or if we have thought about it we’ve probably already had it]. A lot of us probably already have had it and dismissed it as a sniffle or a sore throat.
New Year’s Resolution – Just get back to normal, and consign the Virus to history.
Pretty please?
With a cherry on top?
Seems to me that the surest symptom is having no symptoms. This has been a hypochondriacs dream from its outset.
Hypochondriac: I have a very serious dose of Covid-19 and am dying!
Me: But you look fine to me?
Hypochondriac: I’m asymptomatic! I’m dying.
Nice one.
My reply to the Hypochondriac…aren’t we all?
The answer to all your nightmares there GD, grab a boat and sail it around to Dover. You’ll be put up free in a 4 star hotel, given money and have the freedom to go wherever you want, when you want. Just tell them your name is Abdul and that you are a child.
Most worrying thing is that he’d probably get away with it.
Bugger all that shite.
You and Hur Indoors and Penny and the one at the coffee shop who gives Penny treats all have a Good New Year.
May your whiskey stock never run low and lang may yer pipe reek.
Thank you for all your emissions.
All much appreciated.
Can I suggest that you watch Dr Chapman on Youtube. I dont have the link to hand,but he gives the most level headed analysis of the pandemic that I have seen.He is taking heart,as am I, that the situation in South Africa is rapidly improving and that the worst is over. The virus is rapidly mutating as all viruses do and is becoming much less deadly as it mutates.It will become no worse than getting a bad cold. There has been no need for all the recent panic. Studies in South Africa are showing that having been vaccinated or naturally infected by the virus enables the body’s T cells to tackle the virus without too much sickness.