Not every cloud
Our Health Mob have gone into full hysteria overdrive.
They used to worry about the Fourth Wave. Apparently waves are too benign so now we are facing a “Delta Variant Surge“.
There are going to be nearly as many deaths as the number who died in the Civil War! I haven’t a clue how those compare or what one has to do with the other. I presume we are to read this with open eyed horror in case there’s another war?
So cases are “roaring”? Again, I can assume they don’t mean this literally. I would imagine that most cases are fairly silent about it apart maybe from the occasional sneeze?
He said the infection rate for 16 to 18-year-olds is the same as it was at the peak of the October wave of the virus âand the line is vertical on the pageâ and the same for the 19-24-year-old group.
Ah here now. He is surrounded by all those mathematicians who are predicting the demise of our population so surely one of them could tell him that a vertical line on a graph would mean we have hit an infinite number of cases. Are things really that bad?
The one little snippet he hasn’t managed to disguise is that the majority of cases are in the 16 – 24 age group. So what? They’ll get over it. Maybe some of them will have long term effects but that’s no cause for panic? I’ve had “long term effects” for years and while unpleasant they are hardly confining me to an isolation ward.
The sun is shining over Ireland [quite a rarity in summer] and I’m delighted to see that people in general are starting to ignore the panicked proclamations. Doubtless the beaches will be packed today and the biggest “surge” is going to be in sunburn cases. Certainly I shall be avoiding New York the village as it will be crowded. Social distancing my arse.
The only clouds are the doom merchants
From the article:
“Possible death rates for just three months range between 335 and 1,760 people, he said. âIn the War of Independence about 2,300 people died … to put it in contextâ.”
Hmm, bad comparison. Comparing the so-called delta variant to people purposely trying to kill other people? Yup, bad comparison. As for the rest of the article…pure supposition on his part. If a lawyer came into court with all those “possibles” and “coulds” the case would be thrown out before it ever started. No wonder you folks over there have become numb to all the fear mongering by your health mob.
That’s an excellent point about testing evidence. All these pronouncements are uttered with such miserable sincerity I swear they are just trying to drive us to their level of depression.
Brittas Bay looked fairly busy on the RTE news.
I didn’t see it [I don’t watch the news these days] but I am not in the least surprised. Once the temperature rises above fifteen, the road to Brittas Bay becomes jammed.
It’s 23 Celsius in the afternoon here in the Wilder West of Ireland. Have taken to putting up a gazebo on the back lawn and sipping cold drinks while sweat soaked locals wander past muttering “Jaysus but it’s a bit warm so it is.”
Three more days before the traditional Irish thunderstorms hit methinks. Have stocked up on cold beers.
Another week yet [apparently]. Don’t be complacent about this weather in Ireland – it is exceptional. They will be talking about The Summer Of 21 for decades, long after the pandemic is forgotten.