Blow, blow thou winter wind
I made a half hearted attempt to book a holiday the other day.
As I suspected, everywhere is either fully booked, not being let this year or being used by the owners for themselves and their friends [selfish bastards]. So it looks like yet another year of pretending we are somewhere exotic while shivering and staring at the rain on the windows.
Where the fuck is this Warble Gloaming we keep hearing so much about? Apparently last month was the coldest for some considerable time and this month so far is determined to be even colder. I nipped out to the garden earlier to fill the bird feeder, and I’m still trying to get warm again. The wind out there would go through you for a shortcut and it is really fucking cold, by May standards anyway. We had a series of hail-storms yesterday that left the garden all white and frozen. I can hardly move around here for all the pot plants I have had to bring in from the nightly frosts.
If it weren’t for the leaves on the trees I would swear it’s November.
I’m not sure I would want to holiday in Ireland anyway. What I crave is warmth and sunshine and considering that it’s trying to snow here at the moment I have lost faith in the Irish climate. I crave the warmth of South West France. I long for the sound of crickets as I tuck into a plate of Confit de Canard avec Frites. Frankly I would settle for anywhere I don’t have to have the central heating running all day.
I came across this photograph on the RTE website the other day:

It’s a photograph of a photograph of a photograph, if the caption is to be believed.
They say it’s Austria but by the end of this year I reckon it will be Ireland.
My heart goes out to you. It was 84DegF here yesterday and today's in the 70's with a gentle warm rain.
*&£^&*!!! Currently 45DegF here. But then add in the [Northerly] wind chill factor…….
41DegF here in the UK – and just as miserable as in Ireland. The autistic Scandinavian school-child has some explaining (and apologising) to do.
They worked out that their previous slogan 'global warming' was a hostage to fortune, especially as many of us would prefer some of it, so they changed the alarmist message to 'climate change', that way they can claim any difference, from full-on ice-age to universal desert, can be blamed on my cars, my central heating and my delight in eating animal-flesh.
All these pollies with their PPE degrees claim they, or rather we the punters, can change the climate.
But not one of the buggahs has asked us what climate we would like.
They are bloody arrogant, assuming that we on the Celtic fringes want the same climate as they in the Home Counties want . Home Counties, even that is arrogant – implying that anywhere else cannot be a propah home. Oh yes, they love to come and ski and patronise the locals but every evening they retreat to their roasty toasty hotel while the fully patronised local has to return to his hovel and decide if he wants to be warm or have a nice meal.
It is very hard not to swear
It is very hard not to swear That's for fucking sure!
Heretics! Infidels! Unbelievers! Is it not written that the Seas shall rise and the Sun scorch the Earth if Man mend not his wicked ways? Do not 97% of our Priests say so? Has not the Climate Catastrophe inflicted a plague upon us as a warning of worse to come?