When chaos reigns
First it was announced that vaccinations were on their way.
One would think we had been told of the Second Coming.
Then they said they were a bit iffy about the AstraZenica one and we might have to wait a bit.
Then there was a hold up on the Pfizer one, but not to worry. Everything will be fine. The Gubmint has a Plan.
So the plan was announced and instantly proved itself to be unworkable.
AstraZenica was then approved but not for anyone over 70. We have to take the Pfizer and be eternally grateful for their benevolence.
Then problems arose with clots. AstraZenica was put on hold. All appointments were cancelled. The “Plan” at this stage is just a joke and is becoming a distant memory.
Now they say that AstraZenica can only be given to the over 60s and presumably only the under 70s.
At this stage in the game, no one has a fucking clue what’s going on, least of all our Glorious Masters.
I had an appointment with Doc this morning. We had a grand old chat about the state of things and a good laugh. As an afterthought, just as I was leaving, he mentioned that I might get a call next week to make an appointment for the needle. He asked if that was okay. I asked what cocktail I was being offered. Pfizer, says he. Ah! says I. I explained that frankly I didn’t want any but particularly not Pfizer or Moderna. You mean the mRNA ones, he suggested. Exactly, I said. I told him I didn’t particularly want to be a lab-rat for something about which they knew very little and in particular the long term effects. Not a problem says he. He told me I could have the AstraZenica one if I liked but would have to wait a bit longer.
Doc is like myself.
He is very sceptical about a lot of the “science”, and none too concerned about rules and regulations.
He’s what I call a good doctor.
You might want to delay having the AZ one (or the J&J one), as these, both modified adenovirus types, are now under investigation due to unusual blood clots.
The Health spokesmen are trying to cover this up by saying the incidence of clots is no higher than normally seen, which is true.
But that's failing to mention that these clots are a very unusual and rare type: CVSTs, or Cerebral Venous Sinus Thromboses.
And those having a vaccine when they've already had covid should be very alert to changes in their health as there are now anecdotal reports of other problems with the combination.
(Although why anyone would choose to have a vaccine after already having had the disease is beyond me. We've never needed one before, for any past illness).
Apparently those clots are predominantly in females aged under 60 and they're talking about something like 4 cases in a million. I wouldn't buy any ticket with those odds of winning? Also I'm on blood thinners!
I had my second AZ-Oxford inoculation last Saturday. I specifically asked for AZ because I have a concern about safety of mRNA injections because I have a concern about autoimmune disease. Normally any punter would be told to take what you get but my little lecture got me the one I wanted. I point blank refused the Pfizer one.
We were told categorically that
victimspeople would NOT have a choice. I didn't worry as I knew Doc of old and his attitudes.