
Changing times — 25 Comments

  1. Paddys day. I never understood it when I worked in the pubs. 

    We had to get the massive Guinesss hats in and get a few more barrels in stock so all the English locals could 'get involved', but it really is just Guinness day over here, a massive marketing coup. Nobody bothers much about any other saints day

    Jameson did always try to get in on the marketing, but nobody was bothered

  2. I now hate these Special days, St. Paddy's, Hogmanay and now Christmas, which used to be day for being with family, eating lots of stuff you never saw the rest of the year and getting mellow on wine, sherry, port and Stones Ginger.

    Now, or rather last time I had a local, the place fills up with loudmouths, who cannot make up their minds as to which fancy drink, that have heard about somewhere, they are going to have. And they always ask for the pint of Guinness last, which is fine if it crap Guinness that just slops out in seconds. But in my pub it takes a lot longer. They don't have the sense to have a round list. Two drinks and they are pissed. Then they get louder. Start arguing about the bastard who always orders doubles except when he is buying, or manages to be in the bog when it is his round.

    I could go on. It's my age.


    • I agree.  They have all just turned into commercial ventures full of false jollity.  Just give me the quiet life.

      Any Irishman worthy of the name will always order Guinness first.  It's the law.

  3. The proof that it's just a marketing thing is when St. Patrick's Day falls on a Sunday. Last time it happened around here, the pubs were celebrating 'St. Patrick's Day Eve' 

  4. I'm amazed. Never heard it called Patty's day. How stupid and arrogant.

    They have banned double "t" in badderies for your torch. Innerviews with celebrities on the innernet and documentaries on Annardigger (that bit down south covered in ice) and how innernational it is. Very inneresting.

    Will they ever stop fucking with the language we gave as a gift? Dossel, missel,tacktell, fuwtel, We won't know what the hell they are on about shortly.  I just love the irony of their not being able to pronounce irony.

    Sorry I'll get my coat.

      • Dear Mudplugger

        They can't spell either, they miss out an 'i'.

        I suspect it was down to a great letter shortage back in the day, when they ran also out of 'u's and had to economise. 'Plogh' stymied them, until someone thought to spell it 'plow', though they stopped short of changing 'thought' to 'thort'. 'Thogh' didn't work for them either; obviously someone hadn't thought it through. I suspect the seriously unlettered were responsible for 'tho'' and 'thru'', sometimes without an apostrophe. Clearly short of 'g's and 'h's. 'Buoy' is a weird one because they pronounce it 'boo-ee', whereas if they stuck with 'boy' they could easily have saved a 'u'. It's plain they could have used 'obvios'. And 'culd', of course. And 'corse'.


        • Maybe they should do a deal with the Welsh, they seem to have a lot of vowels going spare.

          • Still a few of us here pop's. 

            Take that for what its worth, I'm getting more bull headed every year and can't afford to run many more folks off. If I'm not careful, I wont have anybody left to be pissed off at.

          • You still have a few.
            On Wednesday morning I was watching the local news and they mentioned that over 30 million Americans claim Irish heritage.  That's a few more folks than you have in the entirety of Ireland

          • One thing about the folk here is that they can take a joke – that's why we keep coming here, we're all grown-ups, behind the apparent piss-taking is a lot of respect for our fellow commenters.  Long may that continue.

  5. Some years ago, when stationed in Noriron with the British Army, I mentioned that I was celebrating St George's Day and was told by a local that, as St George was from Turkey, why were the English celebrating him? Rather than explain that it was his example of chivalry and bravery in releasing others from danger that we were celebrating, I just asked if they realised that St Patrick was a Welshman? That must have been one of the shortest conversations ever!

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