Lacking the balls
It seems there is a new word creeping into our language.
While this might be great news for Scrabble players it’s a bit of a nightmare for the spoken word. I defy anyone to pronounce it, even when sober.
And what does it supposed to mean, I hear you ask?
I came across it in an item about women bitching about radio playlists of all things. I naturally assumed it was a sloppy bit of typesetting but they then inserted a line explaining exactly what this abomination is –
Womxn is a term used to be inclusive of trans and nonbinary women.
So not content with mutilating the whole concept of gender [and some mutilating their own bodies in the process] they now want to mutilate the language as well. Good fucking luck to them. [Or should that be thxm?]
The radio playlist thing is the usual farce. Women [womxn?] want more female singers to be played on air. But seeing as they are so fucking confused about their gender[s], and in some doubt as to what exactly “female” is then maybe I should rephrase that as a desire to hear less men? Who knows what a woman is these days? Personally I couldn’t give a shite as I don’t listen to Irish radio anyway.
Just as a side note I notice that this new “Why Not Her” [?!] movement is led by music industry consultant Linda Coogan Byrne, global development executive Bernadette Sexton, and researcher and academic Dr Brenda Donohue. Oy! This is blatant gender discrimination! We men demand a male representation on the board!
There are a few mentions today about the Golden Globes awards. There is great celebration at the “diversity” of the winners and a lot of knicker wetting at a woman [womxn?] winning best picture. The winner of Best Actor [which surely is sexist?] was black and dead so that must have pleased the feminazis and the diversity mob with one blow?
Has anyone noticed the parallel between the diversity/gender equality mob and the Anti Smokers? All they wanted was one non-smoking carriage on a train and now look where we are. How long before all mention [or even hint] of gender will be abolished? When will the time come when we shall be sentenced to six-months Diversity Re-Education because we accidentally used a gender specific pronoun?
These diversity people are just a shower of cunts.
Have you ever seen the movie, "Idiocracy"?
We are moving, day by day, closer to it!
This side of the Irish Sea we've long been in an idiocracy.
Funny you never hear women complain about under-representation in careers as bricklayers, road menders, deep sea fishers, coal miners, steel workers…..
Mark, this is a new twist on 'Why Paddy's Not At Work Today'.
"But I just had my hair and nails done"!
Over in the UK, there is currently a call to close all women's prisons, as it is somehow thought fundamentally wrong to send women to jail. So if a man and a woman are convicted of identical crimes, he would go to jail, she would get counselling. Women already get lighter sentences.
And I thought they were demanding equality? It cuts both ways.
Grandad, in the last sentence you omitted “and pillocks”. For the sake of diversity and inclusion, you know.
What's wrong with Wyman (for those cross-dressers who still have a willy – the descender of the 'y' shows it's still hanging) and Woman for females? (Womxn is bonkers, unpronounceable and meaningless.)
But who really cares? The fuss this tiny minority makes is disproportionate and quite repellent.
Wyman is not a bad choice. Though I doubt Bill and his family would agree?