We have a [non-paying] guest at the Manor. Meet Bailey. Bailey is a sort of miniature Staff. He’s all bone and muscle and for his size he’s remarkably heavy. Daughter turned up yesterday and just dumped him on us. She … Continue reading →
We have a [non-paying] guest at the Manor. Meet Bailey. Bailey is a sort of miniature Staff. He’s all bone and muscle and for his size he’s remarkably heavy. Daughter turned up yesterday and just dumped him on us. She … Continue reading →
I am being attacked from both sides. On one side I have the telephone. I keep getting calls on it from a 0012 number. According to Dr. Google that’s a fake prefix number so I just ignore it. I let … Continue reading →
Am I missing something here? I saw on the meeja yesterday that Biden has been officially elected. It was official because the television news channels announced it. I didn’t see anywhere that the result has been officially announced. Over here … Continue reading →
Tomorrow the EU is introducing its famous traffic lights travel map. The general idea is categorise countries into safe to visit, dodgy or keep the fuck away. However, in rather typical EU fashion their traffic lights are not the same … Continue reading →