Last man standing
There are only three of us left.
Eight started the routine of torture in an attempt to get fit or something. Three times a week we are put through a punishing regime in an attempt to make us healthy but instead we are dropping like flies. Being somewhat of a stubborn old fart I am determined to see it through to the end, even if it kills me [which is a distinct possibility].
Actually, today wasn’t too bad. I’m not sure quite what happened but the round of torture machines wasn’t too bad. Considering they had upped the levels on the machines [I had started on 3 but today I was up to 8] that was more than a little surprising.
Even more surprising was that I wasn’t able to find parking despite circling the maze of car parks for ten minutes and had ended up going to a housing estate some distance away, which had the benefit of being free, but the unbenefit of requiring a long walk the the Torture Room, which meant I was sweating before I even started.
I am just back from the library. A lovely lass runs the place and she is aware of my recent events. As a result she always asks after my health. I think she is more concerned about me than I am. Anyhows I mentioned I was just back from the Torture Room and she wanted to know all about it. She asked what happened when the session ended at the end of next week. I said nothing. I said I will be cast adrift by the health system and will be a free spirit to enjoy life once more.
“Will you be going back to all your old bad habits?” says she.
“Of course” says I.
“Good man yourself” says she.
She’s a sound lass.
You can't beat honesty in a good woman now can you?
Being a librarian, she must know everything about everything?
Is that it? They give you four weeks then just abandon you?
It's probably long enough to see some benefit but not really long enough to break lifelong habits.
Your body and obviously your choice as to what you do with it but I can't help thinking of the (Einstein?) quote about madness and doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results.