Forty shades of green
I had the misfortune to see one of those topical debate programmes last night.
The only thing that piqued my interest was that they had Eamon Ryan pitched against Michael Healy-Rae.
For those not familiar with either of these I had better explain?
Eamon Ryan is the illustrious leader of the Green Party here, which mercifully only has two seats in parliament. He is fanatic of the highest order and makes Tree Huggers look like a bunch of heavy industrialists. He is a fucking idiot.
Michael Healy-Rae is another fucking idiot and is another member of parliament. I actually agree with a lot of what he says [when I can understand him] but am somewhat put off by his insistence on wearing a flat cap all the time, and I swear he wears it in the shower and in bed. Also he speaks with a Kerry accent so thick that he virtually needs sub-titles and/or an interpreter anywhere outside that county.
The main topic of conversation seemed to be about a proposal to raise carbon taxes. Someone somewhere has calculated the we need to raise our current carbon tax by a factor of about twenty if we are to “meet our targets”. MHR quite rightly pointed out that we are taxed far too much and that this carbon tax is hitting rural Ireland the hardest.
ER countered this with one of the strangest arguments I have ever heard [Did I mention that he was a fucking idiot?]. He stated that the idea was that we would all be paid in compensation for the tax. Yes – to counter the tax everyone in the country would receive a cheque from the gubmint to make up for the tax [Did I mention that he was a fucking idiot?].
Strangely no one pointed out that if the gubmint was taking a tax and then paying it back again that it would be a lot easier to just not apply the tax?
He gave a long speech extolling the virtues of a carbon-free Ireland where we would all be driving electric cars and all our power would come from wind farms and solar cells. He positively wet himself describing this Utopia where farting cows would be replaced with solar farms and we would all live happily ever after, living on cheques sent to us by out grateful gubmint. I swear he had a couple of orgasms during his little speech.
MHR countered this with a long speech, most of which I couldn’t understand but I did manage to translate bits where he mentioned that ER hadn’t a fucking clue about rural life, or indeed any life outside his imaginary Green bubble. He was bang on target there.
This morning I came across a piece in the Irish Times –
Implementing climate change agreement would boost jobs, EU report finds.
Do any of these people live in the real world?
“Do any of these people live in the real world?”
Evidently not. Neither do any of our political class.
“Do any of these people live in the real world?”
Okay, third time’s a charm:
Of course not. Just a bunch of bureaucrats that can’t see anything outside their own little political worlds and whatever
bribes“reports” cross theirpalmsdesk. We have the same type of problem Vermont which is 90% rural and 10% city/suburbia, if that. And guess where where our center of state government resides?What really pisses me off is that these gobshites get paid a handsome salary, large allowances and huge pensions for coming up with all this crap.
A least I give out my crap for nothing…….
Which is much appreciated, sir. Much appreciated.
Over on your Emerald Isle on that basis, there seems to be a 100% correlation between being a ‘member of parliament’ and being a ‘fucking idiot’ – what a coincidence, on the other side of the Irish Sea it’s exactly the same.  We have so much in common – maybe we should be united?
Animal Farts come from many different animals.
RuminantsThere are about 150 different domestic and wild ruminant species including cows, goats, deer, buffalo, bison, giraffe, moose and elk.
To save the World, those people would kill all the Bambis.
So, apparently, they want us to only eat horses, dogs, and hogs.
You ain’t seen nothin yet. Our New Green Deal in America is so stupid, so crazy, that 50 years ago anyone with half the proposal would have been committed to one of our institutions for the mildly psychotic. (Except they shut them all down and let everyone out and they are now living in San Francisco creating enormous piles of public poop and drug needles.) The libs new plan would ban all air traffic here, require all structures to be rebuilt, no cars, high speed rail accross both oceans, free money to anyone not willing to work….it goes on. Count yourself lucky.