New Year Happiness
So far, this year has been anything but happy.
I just hope that it’s not laying down a pattern for the rest of the year?
Firstly the cat went missing. This was unusual as she normally spends the evening pissing me off looking for food or something. So while I was enjoying the peace and tranquillity, there was a nagging suspicion that if Cat was indeed a gonner then I was going to have to put up with Herself and her demands for a new [probably non-housetrained] cat.
Fortunately Cat did turn up. She had somehow locked herself in the downstairs bedroom. Honest, Judge. I didn’t do it. It was probably Penny. Good dog!
Then my pipe lighter sprung a leak. I discovered where the leak is but can’t find a way to fix it without spare parts. I have two other [broken] lighters of the same make but do you think I could find them?
The kitchen drains need cleaning. I noticed that the sink was taking longer than usual to empty, and it’s getting worse. I haven’t plucked up the courage yet for that one.
Yesterday I went down to the library because I was out of books. There was a sign on the door saying they were retuning to normal hours on the 2nd January. Yesterday was the 2nd January. They were closed!
Then this morning the fresh bottle of milk I opened was grand and sour so I had to nip down to the village for more.
ANow I have a headache..
No one has cursed me with a ‘Haaaappy NooOOoo Yaare’ (to which I usually reply ‘Happy easter’which tends to sort the locals from those with a sense of humour ) for the last 24 hours, the shops have returned to their normal opening hours and stock levels (ie never that which I want), and this Sunday the town’s Xmas lights come down. Tis looking mightily like we’ve survived another Xmas. Although I checked my bank account a minute ago…and somehow despite not celebrating Xmas it has cost me around £300….but what price seeing the happy smiles of the Grandchildren…as they realise that we haven’t just given them a measly Under-Ten-Quid toy each but have put actual real cash in with it.
Now that you mention it, I haven’t been graced so far this year, Maybe everyone remembers the last time they pulled that one on me? Or maybe they just can’t bring themselves to be dishonest as they all wish me a miserable one.
At our age, any day that we realize we are alive should be a cause for celebration.
Will you please come and unblock my drains so?
I am not to be trusted with such things.
i only make things worse.
Glad you found the cat…or maybe the cat found you? Who knows?
Lighters: The broken ones are in your bureau, 2nd drawer down, tucked away behind your unused socks.
Drains: Liquid Plumr drain cleaner (or equivalent) is your friend in this matter. Unless you feel the stuff would rot away your pipes as well?
Library: If you can get at the sign, do so. Take it with you the next time you go and do something with it that won’t quite get you arrested and still allow you to keep your library card. If you can’t get at the sign then next time you go, complain loudly. It won’t do any good but it might make you feel a bit better.
Milk: Really can’t help you there but you might want to check the go-by date. If it’s more than two weeks after that date you’re not drinking enough milk.
Headache: Take two Excedrine (or generic equivalent) with one cup of coffee. Works a treat.
Now, since this comment field actually has the text format buttons at the top of it, the comment it will probably lose all paragraphs upon submission and end up as one great big jumble of text that I’ll have to edit (I really don’t mind at all). If the comment field does not show the buttons on the top (happens most of the time), the comment will post just fine, paragraphs and all. Odd that. I’ve meant to mention this but I keep forgetting.
Hope the new year gets better for you.
Drain: put some baking powder in, then a little vinegar and on top of that just enough boiling water so that everything gets down into the drain. Let sit for an hour (or over night). Doesn’t destroy the pipes and should work.