How to piss someone off
A few weeks ago I received a mail
I was poking around your site The Anna Raccoon Archives and thought your readers might find the infographic I created about the opioid problem in America helpful.
My name is Nicky and I am reaching out on behalf Pathfinders Recovery Centers, an organization dedicated to helping those in need of sobriety.
I attached the infographic to this email. If you find it helpful, feel free to share it with your readers!
Thank You,
As is the normal practice with all such mails, I binned it.
A little over a week later I got the following.
Hi there,
I reached out last week but havenât heard back yet so I wanted to try one more time.
Please see my initial email below.
On Mon, Oct 8, 2018 at 5:40 PM, Nicky <[email protected]> wrote: Hi There,
I was poking around your site The Anna Raccoon Archives and thought your readers might find the infographic I created about the opioid problem in America helpful.
My name is Nicky and I am reaching out on behalf Pathfinders Recovery Centers, an organization dedicated to helping those in need of sobriety.
I attached the infographic to this email. If you find it helpful, feel free to share it with your readers!
Thank You,
I get quite a few of these “reminders” where spam is reminding me about spam. I find them really irritating. That too went into the bin.
Then I received another.
Hi there,
I reached out last week but havenât heard back yet so I wanted to try one last time.
Please see my initial email below.
On Tue, Oct 16, 2018 at 8:34 PM, Nicky <[email protected]> wrote: Hi there,
I reached out last week but havenât heard back yet so I wanted to try one more time.
Please see my initial email below.
On Mon, Oct 8, 2018 at 5:40 PM, Nicky <[email protected]> wrote: Hi There,
I was poking around your site The Anna Raccoon Archives and thought your readers might find the infographic I created about the opioid problem in America helpful.
My name is Nicky and I am reaching out on behalf Pathfinders Recovery Centers, an organization dedicated to helping those in need of sobriety.
I attached the infographic to this email. If you find it helpful, feel free to share it with your readers!
Thank You,
Now Nicky is obviously not one to take a hint. Having reminded me, he/she is now reminding me that he/she reminded me. This is not a good tactic and is pretty well guaranteed to get on my wrong side.
However he/she had promised “one last time” so I ignored it and fucked it into the bin with the rest.
I basked in the peace and quiet as Nicky had obviously taken the hint when he/she didn’t get a reply to his/her first mail and his/her two reminders. Maybe there is a glimmer of hope for the chap/lass yet?
Yesterday I received a mail
Hi There,
I was poking around your site The Anna Raccoon Archives and thought your readers might find the infographic I created about the opioid problem in America helpful.My name is Nicky and I am reaching out on behalf Pathfinders Recovery Centers, an organization dedicated to helping those in need of sobriety.
I attached the infographic to this email. If you find it helpful, feel free to share it with your readers!
Thank You,
I don’t fucking believe it!
Dear Nicky
As you are obviously keen at whatever work you do I should like to give you some sage advice in the art of on-line marketing.
Firstly, unsolicited emails are generally NOT welcome. They are about as welcome here as a boil on the arse or a dose of the clap. Even less welcome are the “reminders”, but to send a reminder of a reminder is crossing the line. If you haven’t gotten the hint by then, then I suggest you try another profession. I believe they frequently have vacancies at McDonald’s?
Secondly, you send out a batch of extremely irritating mails and get no reply whatsoever. Does that not give you just a tiny hint? But then to start the whole shebang all over again is more than fucking annoying. Not only have you not taken the strongest hint but are obviously not keeping a record of the people you have pissed off. This is BAD BUSINESS and is guaranteed to raise the hackles on the most tolerant. And I don’t give a fuck if you are a worthy cause as I am beyond caring at this stage.
Thirdly, and more important, I would suggest you actually look at the site you are writing about. You claim you were “poking about” in the site which is frankly not very flattering. I suggest a better line would be along the lines – “I have been enthusiastically reading your site for some time”, or some such.
Now in your “poking about” did you happen to note the name of the site? You mention it in both your preliminary mails. The Anna Raccoon Archives. The word “Archives” should give you a little hint – a site that is not updated. In fact the person who wrote the original site is no more [i.e. deceased] and is therefore in no fit state to add anything, no matter how worthy.
So here is the advice I would like to give you, and I give it in the kindest, most caring manner, from a polite old age pensioner……
Will you please just FUCK OFF along with the rest of the crew at Pathfinders and STOP SENDING ME E-MAILS.
Thank you,
P.S Any more mails and you may drive me back on the opioids. Be that on your head.
I imagine that Nicky is a program
Maybe so, but that makes it even worse. Surely the simplest of programmes would mark a site off as “no response” and move to piss off someone else? Maybe I should reply to them with a virus just to see if it is a program?
Excellent!! You voice the feelings of many. Keep up the good work. 😉
I sent them [Nicky] a mail. No reply. Probably off seeking counselling…..
Anyone using the phrase “reaching out to you” needs to be hunted down and dealt with.
Just one of those modern irritating idioms. Maybe
renditionsend them to a “re-education” camp?It’s a legitimate site. Pathfinders detox and recovery. Based in the USA.
So a health place is seeking help from Anna, via yourself.
Fucking twats!
I saw that. It’s another reason to believe that Nicky is a person and not some automaton.
Worth it to read your reply. EXCELLENT!