That is the wrong answer
Listen, you lot over in the UK.
Will you ever stop whinging and whining about this Brexit thing. I am sick and tired of hearing about it. I am tired of hearing about backstops, hard exits and soft exits. I don’t give a shite whether exits are hard, soft, boiled or fried, all this nonsense has to stop.
First of all you failed to understand one of the fundamentals of the European Union, namely that democracy has been redefined to mean that you vote the way they want you to vote, and nothing else is acceptable.
They asked you if you wished to leave the EU and the answer was obviously a resounding NO. How could you possibly think otherwise? To vote any other way was unthinkable in this modern democracy.
In any democracy, people should always have the right to deliberate and vote again when they have gained access to new information or had a chance to understand more clearly the implications of a decision.
Brendan Howlin
Now the leaders of our respective Labour Parties, Corbyn and Howlin [two towering intellectuals on the political scene] are suggesting you get a second chance to get it right.
This is precisely the way it works. They assumed you were sensible enough to vote YES, but obviously you weren’t brainwashed informed enough so it not only right, it is essential that you vote again. It is imperative that there be a second election, now that you have been told in plain English how to vote.
And for fucks sake get the answer right this time.
We understand your annoyance, just imagine what it feels like for us Brits.
Of course much of it is your fault – if Ireland had got its act together sometime in the last 96 years and invaded the North, we could have happily surrendered it, saving masses of subsidy and quite a lot of wasted lives. As it is we’ve had the Irish Problem on our doorsteps and in our pockets as we’ve struggled to stop the religionists killing each other and anyone else in range for generations. It’s not too late, a quick Blitzkrieg invasion in the next week or two should sort it – that lovely but redundant Stormont building would make a grand military occupation HQ. What are you waiting for?
Failing that, it may need a ‘best of three’, ‘best of five’ or however many votes it takes to come up with an answer acceptable to that cabal of crooks in Brussels, along with more sheer boredom for all involved as they try to erode the spirit of the noble and patriotic Brexiteers.
We thought about invading them but decided against it. They are too costly to maintain and anyway we don’t like their accents.
Of course, you lot could invade us [again]?
Couldn’t give a flying fuck.
Its a really, really bad end of the pier show being rolled out for the deluded clowns who imbibe the media and the even more deluded idiots who are too lazy to get their names off the states electoral roll.
As if voting for anything made the slightest difference to anything.
As an aside, been a while since I did that, St Ptrick was Welsh, well the first one was not too sure about the second one, does that make your lot Taffy’s?
Taffys? Us? No. We prefer goats to sheep.
“the answer was obviously a resounding NO”
I voted Leave, but I wouldn’t claim it was a resounding NO, it was 52/48, which is a score draw in my book.
That said, going by the precedents of Denmark, France, Netherlands and Ireland, the game plan is clearly to negotiate a shit exit deal (which is why they aren’t going for EFTA) and then generously offer us a second referendum.
A perfect democratic win would be 51 to 49 but its near enough.
Brexit? 1st world problem much? Why in the sweet name of all things holy are you bothering us with trivialities?! The REAL issue facing us, the ONLY thing that matters is….
…Google forcing us to use their new *cough* improved Gmail!
Some of us have never forgotten nor forgiven them for ‘New Look’.
Google own New Look?
Well you live n learn.
A similar example of democracy occurred at the school where my wife worked, back in the last century. The headteacher and governors wanted the school to be taken out of local authority control and to become ‘grant maintained’, the majority of the parents didn’t. It took them three elections before the governors got the correct result.