I stop watching for a minute
I have been busy for the last few days.
I know I am always busy but somehow I have been even busier than usual.
As a result of being so busy, I have taken my eye away from the world of the Interwebz, and I come back to find what? That the place is in a fucking mess.
I see that shower of cunts over at the EU have passed a thing to supposedly do something or other to the Interweb that is going to do something of benefit to all. Bollocks! Whatever it is will only fuck things up further and make a gigantic mess like their fucking cookies directive. I am sick to the tooth of little pop-ups whining about cookies. And once they have gotten some restriction or other in, they are just going to sneakily broaden its scope so we all have to revert to The Dark Net.
I haven’t a clue what this new thing will mean, for the simple reason that nobody seems to know. All I do know is that anyone who hasn’t a clue how things work but still passes a law is going to make a hames of everything.
Then that crowd at Gutenberg provided an update. You’ve guessed it – it has fucked things up again.
A while back I did a complete rebuild of this site. Somehow [and I’m not sure quite how] that got Gutenberg working and I have been trying to get used to it ever since. Now their new update has brought me back to square one, and if I try to add a new post I just get a blank screen. Fucking wonderful!   I had to install a plugin just to get typing again. Or I could have removed Gutenberg, but then would have been rightly fucked at the next upgrade.
This is what happens when I am absent for a little while.
Chaos reigns.
But you had better get used to it as I can see myself being busy again in the near future.
I am convinced that changes are made to demonstrate power – we are going to do this because we can do it.
The Gutenberg changes are probably a case of “just look what we can do” but the EU thing is more about control. The powers that be hate the Interweb for the simpe reason that they can’t control it!
Slitaz, palemoon and a blank scriberlus list but t’other is fully populated.
And as if by magic its back. Bloody global warming climate change Brexit bollocks!
Stop being busy and the interwebs won’t blow up.
“…All I do know is that anyone who hasnât a clue how things work but still passes a law is going to make a hames of everything…”
Then judging by the records of politicians of all parties (and all nations). they haven’t a clue about anything!
In fairness they are good at a couple of things, like getting elected with daft expensive promises, granting themselves pay rises and drawing down massive pensions?