My mistake
They brought out a new version of Gutenberg last night. It has a list of changes as long as my arm [and that’s quite long]. I thought I would give it a try. I updated it and went to write … Continue reading →
They brought out a new version of Gutenberg last night. It has a list of changes as long as my arm [and that’s quite long]. I thought I would give it a try. I updated it and went to write … Continue reading →
There I was, happily about to doze off when I noticed something. Now yesterday was a hectic day of frantic succumbing to the Black Dog which amongst other things led to a somewhat restless night, so the one thing I … Continue reading →
Some three months or so ago I received an email from Dick Puddlecote. He had been having lunch or dinner or breakfast or something with a chap from London, and somehow my name cropped up in conversation [I didn’t dare … Continue reading →
I was talking to an old friend the other day. It was one of those chain conversations, as I call ’em, where the topic is constantly changing as new subjects crop up out of the old ones, and a chance … Continue reading →