There I was, happily about to doze off when I noticed something.
Now yesterday was a hectic day of frantic succumbing to the Black Dog which amongst other things led to a somewhat restless night, so the one thing I needed today was a chance to doze. It was not supposed to be a day where I would have to think.
However, there it was, staring me in the face. Martin Scriblerus was looking distinctly wrong.
I remember setting all those images so they neatly fitted into their boxes yet there suddenly seemed to be a lopsided look to them. I don’t like lopsided. It upsets me.
Now the site itself hasn’t changed for a very long time, so any old backup should do the trick. I restored a backup from the first of the month. Bugger, but that didn’t make a difference. So I tried one from the beginning of June, then May then fuckit January. Nothing made any difference. The site had decided to become lopsided and lopsided it stubbornly stayed.
I made a copy on my laptop. That was fucking lopsided too. Shit. At least I could screw around with it and it wouldn’t matter if it broke completely.
I found the problem. I could say that it was my vast intuitive powers that did the trick, but I have to confess it was purely by accident – a number was missing. In all the millions if words and numbers that make up a website, just one fucking number was enough to screw everything up
I don’t know how or why, or even when it went missing but it’s back now and the site has lost its lopsidedness.
If anyone is interested, the number is 1100.
Let him who hath understanding reckon the number of the Bug , for it is a human number. Its number is 1100 (shurely shome mishtake?48?). Â
Lo and a confusion arose amongst the people for they understood not the tongue of the Puter, and they cried out with one voice that the number be 12, but the people were wrong and the number was in the tongue of the people, otherwise it would have been 0000010001001100.
According to Adams (Douglas, not Gerry) the number should be 42.
He got it wrong.
42 is the Meaning of File.
24 is the Meaning of Life.
I quite liked it lopsided.
Me too. I thought it was a feature, not a bug.
When I worked in IT, all software bugs were euphemistically known as ‘undocumented features’.
Life only gets lopsided if one steps off a barstool too quickly
If anyone wants it to look lopsided, just remove the “1100”. Simples.