Are you old enough to visit this site?
How old are you?
That may sound like a daft question, but is it?
We all know our ages because we all know when we were born. We celebrate [or ignore] the anniversary of that date and notch another year onto our age. But how can we prove our claim to that age?
There are certain occasions when proof of age is required. In my case I could produce a driving licence or something like that, but I would have had to prove my age to obtain that licence. This is normally done by producing a birth certificate, but supposing that birth certificate was lost or otherwise destroyed? Age can only be proved by historical records and if they don’t exist then we just have to take the person’s word for it.
Our gubmint in their infinite wisdom has decided that 13 is the age of consent for accessing the Interweb.
That may sound like a reasonable decision, but I am baffled as to how it works. A web site asks your age, and you type it in. You can type in any old age and the Interweb has no means whatsoever to verify your claim. Are you over 13? Yes. Grand! Please enter your birthday – 01,01,1912 – Welcome to our site! A website relies completely and totally on the honesty of the visitor. Birth certificates are of no value as they are just bits of paper and could belong to anyone.
There are only two ways that this conundrum can be solved, so far as I can see.
To access the Interweb you would have to enter some piece of information that is unique to yourself, such as a birth certificate number or some kind of national insurance number. For that to work there would have to be a database containing the relevant information on every person on the planet, and all web sites would have to have free access to that database. that would be fun to set up?
The other method would be to microchip every person on the planet at birth, and to install chip readers on every device capable of accessing the Web.
That of course would be the wet dream of every controller. They are already experimenting with the idea in some companies.
I wonder how long it will take them to suggest it on a national or international scale?
“I wonder how long it will take them to suggest it on a national or international scale?”Probably just a couple of days after reading your esteemed pages; please, for feck’s sake try to avoid giving the arseholes any more ideas – they come up with enough crap on their own.Â
I don’t think they read this. I would have “disappeared” a long time ago.
âI wonder how long it will take them to suggest it on a national or international scale?â
How long? Its been policy for 2 millennia.
“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name”Â
On a more serious note, Granddaughter2 (now almost 3 years old) has learnt an incredible amount just by viewing youtube on her Mama’s phone. Not all of it good but learned she has. Do your Whimsical darlings in the Irish Parliament want to intellectually hamstring the next generations?
The only “learning” Granddaughter has come up with so far is a video of a bloke pumping cigarette smoke into a bell jar and claiming it’s how smoke affects lungs. I could do without that kind of nonsense.
That’s bad…but nowhere near as bad as something known as ‘Mr Tumbles’…I shall spare you the Spewtube link.
The microchip system is already up and running. All they need to do is expand it to include humans. All for our own good of course.In NSW, all cats and dogs must be microchipped and the registration information entered on the NSW Pet Registry.    If the controllers wet dream comes true it could lead to a new type of Identity Theft. Imagine if they chip every ones arm, all a crook would have to do is lop it off and run.
We have it here too – all dogs by law have to be microchipped. That means every dog has a chip except those who haven’t.
There is a resort somewhere in Europe that allows you to pay for your drinks and open your room door using a implanted microchip. It seem the swimwear most people in attendance wear did not have pockets.
Shortly after everyone has a microchip for tracking purposes, a implanted shock collar will be next. Caught violating a minor law, you get a low voltage shock. Major violations result in a debilitating jolt. Once everyone is used to the idea, the final step is will be a small amount of explosives in the skull to destroy the brain, but leave the organs harvest-able for transplants to the deserving elite ruling class.
I do believe you ARE correct about the chip, but have my doubts about the explosive device.
My reason is their wonderful GPS system called Galileo has been hacked big time, meaning if they ever try to use it for the purpose it was built (war) it’ll be useless.
Ditto anything that’s designed to accept digital instructions. It can, and so will be hacked. So consider soldiers in the EU army suddenly falling down dead. And as each politician will have one, then they too can be disposed of at a whim, very probably by some zit covered adolescent.
Myself, I’d have pulled the plug on Blair, Millar, Soros and 300 or so in the House of Lords about 6 months ago.
Chip yes, but not capable of receiving signals. Thankfully I’ll be a pile of ash long before it becomes a reality.
No real way to enforce this that I can see…yet. I’m sure they’ll think of something. Of course, it may not even make it into law?
But in answer to the title of your post, I wish I could say that I still feel as young as I did as a teenager. I really really wish I could say that. You don’t know how much I wish I could say that. But I can’t, so I won’t and I’ll continue to enjoy reading your dribbles. Laughing always helps.
Laughter is the only way to survive in this crazy world. The day I stop laughing is the day they plant me.
I have no idea how old I am. I presume I was there at my birth but only have my parents word as to the date.
As for the 13 year old ‘rule’ stupidity in authority it knows no bounds.
It’s an EU directive. Need I say more?
Being born before World War 2 ,I have the pleasure of having two Birth Certificates.The first is just a form of receipt printed in red ,given to my Father as recognition that he had informed the authories that a male child had been born that day. There is no mention of my name at all. The second is the standard copy of entry in Births, Deaths and Marriage system giving names , and occupations of parents etc. I once had the pleasure of producing the first one to a very nosy and obnoxious Human Resources type , She had to accept that it was indeed my Birth Certificate.
Perhaps humans are like trees, having date-rings internally.That could be very useful with the many thousands of apparently mature ‘asylum seekers’ who allege to be ‘children’ to gain entry but whose true age cannot be verified by documentation – simply chain-saw them in half and count the rings. Sorted.
I’m slightly over 13.