I forgot
I was up with the lark this morning.
Not that there are many larks around here at this miserable time of year – they have more sense and fuck off to Africa or somewhere.
I had a couple of things to do but there was that niggling thought at the back of my mind that I had forgotten something. There was something I had to do and for the life of me, I couldn’t remember what it was.
So anyways I set to work finishing off a little webby job I had been working on, and when I had done that I still had that niggling feeling of something I had forgotten.
Then Herself yelled at me to do out the last Christmas Cards as tomorrow is the last day for posting. I was tempted to leave it ’til tomorrow but that would have meant an afternoon’s ear-bashing. Not worth it. I did the cards, which is a job which for some unknown reason I dislike. It ranks up there with doing the annual car test.
I still couldn’t remember what I was supposed to be doing though.
I had to post the cards but the battery was still out of the car, so I had to replace it [and there was quite a distinct spark as I fixed the terminals]. I pootled down to the Post Office.
I expected a queue but I was delighted to see that there was only one customer at the window. Delight was short lived though as he was the customer from hell. He was sending stuff express delivery and recorded delivery and just about every other type of delivery. He was even applying for a passport as well, for fucks sake! While I waited impatiently I racked my brains, trying to remember what I had forgotten to do. That didn’t work.
I got home eventually and promptly tripped over my laptop’s power cable. The whole thing went crashing to the floor. FUCK!!! The last time that happened it cost me a hard disk.
So I picked it up. Blank screen. Fuck, fuck. I reconnected it and pressed the power button and miracle of miracles it worked. And the crash had knocked a whole load of shit fluff and dust from under the keyboard which was a bonus.
It was then I remembered what I had being trying to remember……
I hadn’t written my brainfart for today.
It’s a bit late now.
As one suffering from incurable Windows disease, I sympathise with your memory problems. But think on… as you get even older, you might need a stairlift. There’s a new one called “Express”. It gets you upstairs before you forget why you got there. Oh, by the way, have a very happy Christmas and enjoy the Paddys or anything else going.
Hah! Just got a present of a bottle of Paddy’s. Definite enjoyment ahead.
Merry Christmas to you and yours (for next Monday). Keep on blogging.
And many happy returns…
Have a great Christmas and best wishes to you all for a happy, healthy and prosperous  New Year.
Carol x