*Stealer’s Daisy Wheels*
A Guest Spot by The Blocked Dwarf
It has oft been said that the only good thing that Anthony Charles ‘Son Of Satan’ Lynton Blair esq. did in office was the Data Protection Act 1998, which gave us the SAR (Subject Access Request and Freedom of Information Requests). However that is being slightly unfair to the man-no good deed going unpunished and all that. He may have introduced the act and taken it through Parliament but it was actually at the behest of the evil empire; EU
(you may boo and hiss if you must).
For the Non-Brits I will explain: a Subject Access Request means I can demand any Government Agency (and pretty much anyone else for that matter) has to hand me out copies of everything , of all the information, they hold on me. Every letter they have written to me, every letter sent to them, every ‘recorded for security and training purposes’ phone call, every form filled in and every written decision and judgement made, of all evidence gathered. It is an amazing weapon when jousting at the windmills of civil servicedom. Often even the mere threat of an SAR being submitted alone can be enough… and every investigative blogger and journalist should print off a copy of the Act, colourize it in gold and then get down on their hands and knees and kiss it. Kiss it every morning. I lose count of how many articles I read each year that start with the phrase ‘following an FOI request’.
Accordingly I recently submitted an SAR to our Department Of Stealth & Total Bloody Obscurity as we Children of the 80s still refer to the DWP (more properly the ‘Department Of Work & Pensions’) for all the evidence they hold on The Bestes Frau In The Whole Widest World. I’ve been battling with them now for the better part of a year to get her paid the right level of disability benefit.
Their answer arrived the other day which surprised me because the post had already been that day a few hours earlier. But I opened the door, having rushed downstairs with Granddaugther 2 on my arm, to find the post lady struggling with a huge mail bagged parcel…which she had left on the van earlier so as not to have to lug it around the town. A parcel that weighed 4.5kg- yes I am that sad that I actually weighed it. A packet that measured half a metre across and was 7cm deep.
Among all the paperwork they sent me was a pile of printouts-of every payment we have received since 2007. A huge concertinaed pile of paper with holes all the way down both sides of the 45cm wide sheets. Looking at the printouts themselves they look like they were printed off in Courier. Being of an eternally curious nature, and fearing the worst, I emailed Grandad, whose knowledge of such things goes back to babbage 2.1. He confirmed they look for all the world like the mainframe printouts of yore.
Let me break that down for you. Our biggest spending government department is using ‘computers’ (actually probably ‘terminals’)and printers so old they probably have to get that printer paper specially made! Remember 8″ floppy disks-floppies that really were? Well compared to those printouts, 8″ floppies would be the bleeding razors edge of cutting technology. Only punch cards would be more archaic. They are using , for their payment systems, mainframes so old as to be genuine antiques and god only knows what OS…maybe VAX ? At any rate it will be an OS that still thinks it’s talking to a teletype writer…hell it probably IS talking to a teletype writer (that’s assuming the DWP hasn’t finally upgraded to faxes).
I had wondered , when submitting the request, that there was no ‘send me it in electronic format’ option. Didn’t they promise us a paperless world? Now I know why. All the billions they have spent on IT and no one, apparently, has come up with a way of adding a usb socket to their steam powered mainframes. Forget all about the saving the rain forests for a moment, what’s the postage like on 4.5kg of dead tree these austerity filled days? But fear ye not, those trees will not have died in vain- I learnt at school that daisy wheel printer paper is the bestes thing for drawing on. Granddaughter 2 will be in ‘dwar-wing’ heaven and as an added bonus they have finally found a way of removing the green stripes from the paper.
Oh and in case you were wondering, that 4.5kg pile of documents were incomplete! CL0wn5 2 the left of me…
Might it not be that they have taken the opportunity to get rid of all that paper since that information is now on a modern computer?
Possibly but that would assume that the value of the paper was such that it out weighed the cost of the postage ? Actually on second thoughts that sounds exactly like a government department….saving money by spending more…although that paper , no doubt, has to be stored in a special conditions, in a dry, temperature regulated, static-free warehouse and shipped out by armed courier a pack at a time which might indeed mean the value of the paper exceeds the postage.
At least that system, antediluvian though it may’ve been, could cough out the information. Well, much of it, anyway. Which is more than can be said for any of DWP’s vaunted ‘updated’ systems. DWP Digital has a deserved reputation for fouling up anything it and its outsource wallies touch.
THAT! That was the word I couldn’t come up with yesterday afternoon whilst writing the piece.
Maybe this was deliberate, their equivalent of an aggrieved person paying a fine in pennies?
I admit that was my very first thought.
Fanfold tractor feed (green striped??) paper…
I recently saw some in a Travis Perkins plumbing subsidiary outlet and thought “They are doomed to bankruptcy” – unfortunately HMG can’t go out of business.
Maybe our Dear Gov could sell the vintage line printer to a geek on ebay to repay some of the national debt?
Stuff like this is the clearest demonstration as to why gov should be smaller not larger and that anyone advocating more government should be slapped vigorously until they just “go away”
These line printers were only ever used for the output on old fashioned mainframe based IT systems. I used to run support on these and they’re a bugger to migrate the data. Â Far above the pay grade of the average UK Government operative. Â So basically the DWP are still using antiquated equipment to calculate pensions.
Colour me surprised.
We had a dot matrix line printer in an office I worked one time. Invoices were done at the end of the month on the stand-alone accounts machine and then WALLOP! The print message was sent down a single serial cable to the printer and off it went. It sounded like forty rock drummers, each doing their own thing.It rattled, clanked and rolled all day and in the end, a huge stack of invoices lay in a box at one side of the machine and a similar box lay empty on the other side. Saturday was overtime as two volunteers hand wrote the envelopes and franked them and then on Monday morning, two boxes of invoices were taken to the post.
Strangely enough, for an antique it was pretty good and never let us down!
I do realise that as a relative youngster you can’t be expected to know that much about the early history of computing.  Nevertheless I have to point out that VAX was the name given to the series of Digital Equipment computer hardware which was offered with a choice of operating systems, namely VMS or Unix.
I’ll admit openly that I thought VAX was an OS in it’s own right, my bad. I’m surprised that Grandad didn’t pick up on that one. But then again he’s had his head under the bonnet of the AR Archive the last couple of weeks so I suppose we can forgive him some oversights in his proof reading of my brain farts.
You have to have dot matrix printers. How else will you fill out the required carbon copies?
I don’t see why anyone does business with any government agency. Their requirements have little to do with the real world. I am sure the government specifications for a printer have far more pages that the missive delivered to you. It probably out weighs the printer by a factor of 10 and dot matrix printers are heavy. Don’t forget a simple bolt that anyone can get from their local hardware store required over 8 pages to document the requirements if selling it to a government agency.
Remember elephant is mouse built to government specifications, “gray, four legs, mammal, herbivore” one of.