Sucking diesel
So the UK has announced a phasing out of petrol and diesel cars by 2040. Naturally, being incapable of original thought our lot wade in the day after with a call for the same here. However it’s the Climate Change … Continue reading →
So the UK has announced a phasing out of petrol and diesel cars by 2040. Naturally, being incapable of original thought our lot wade in the day after with a call for the same here. However it’s the Climate Change … Continue reading →
One or two of the more observant amongst you have noticed a small addition to this site. If you look over there [——–>] on my sidebar there is a little window I call “Other Links Latest” and in it you’ll … Continue reading →
As each day arrives, I feel less inclined to comment on the state of the world. There was a time when I could put forward alternative arguments to the madness that’s creeping over society, but we have reached a stage … Continue reading →
There is a sort of truce in the air here at the Manor. There is a palpable tension though, so I think I can sympathise with the Palestinians and Syrians. The peace is lovely but every now and then cat … Continue reading →