Reach for the sky
I very rarely visit Farcebook.
I sometimes go in under my own name, as Herself keeps “sharing” stuff with me and I get strict instructions to “like” whatever and what to write in the comments under said stuff.
More often I go in as Herself, as she uses it for sending messages and then doesn’t bother logging in to see if there are any replies. That apparently is my job. I log in as Herself, check the messages and am dictated the replies which I then send in her name.
I logged in yesterday and accidentally used my own account. I was greeted with a very strange video, apparently hinting that I was changing the world for the better by “liking” stuff and sharing crap all over the place. I am apparently part of two billion people which is a very strange claim? Where the fuck are any of them when there is washing up to be done or a tree to be uprooted?
Coincidentally I noticed an item in the news. Farcebook are now building a city. Not content with building a new office building, they decided to go one better and build a whole fucking city?
And another item popped up as well.  Now Farcebook plan on filling the sky with pilotless planes. Amazon of course are threatening to do deliveries using drones, but Farcebook are going one better – they want to put up thousands of planes that are to stay up there on a semi-permanent basis? What the fuck happens if one of them decides to crash? These aren’t little drones, but yokes with a wingspan equal to a jumbo fucking jet.
So the roads are going to be filled with driverless cars, courtesy of Google while the atmosphere is to be filled with jumbo sized pilotless craft courtesy of Farcebook and swarms of midget pilotless planes courtesy of Amazon?
What the hell is the world coming to?
A smoke-free city, naturally…
All walls floors and ceilings are made of glass so everyone can see what everyone else is doing all the time, in line with Farcebook philosophies. Thousands of cameras also stream everything live onto the Interweb, night and day.
Yuk! Â A sky full of crap –
literallylitter-alley.  Where is all the refuse going to land from this sky city?  As if we don’t get shat on enough!  Might be a good time to invest in crash helmets and decontamination suits.ÂFortunately the drones and the city are separate concepts. There again, there may be a connection?
Moving targets in the sky. Sounds like a challenge to me.
Much the same thought I had when I heard about Amazon’s drones.
Granddad,there should be a missive in your inbox/spambox/under the blanket in the dog’s bed.
… and the dog ate both of them.