Start them early
I bought Herself her stash of fags yesterday.
Once again, they have changed the packaging.
Some months ago, they changed the design on the packs. This seemed a little strange as you could only see the design after buying a pack. They must have realised this as they changed it back again.
Then they produced tins, which I thought was a great idea.
Then the tins were no more and we went back to the ordinary packs again.
Then I tried to buy a pack of twenty to be told they were discontinued and that the packs were bigger and contained 23 each.
Yesterday it seems the supply of ordinary sized packs of 20 are back in the running again and there is no sign of the tins or the 23-packs. However the design is definitely different.

Front and back
So what the fuck is going on here? We now have anti-smoker propaganda front and back, so is this the new “plain pack”, or is it merely a transition phase? I am utterly confused at this stage.
I have to admire the new invention though. It’s ingenious! As the Young Wan commented in the shop – “Start ’em early. Great idea”. Who could argue with that?

Child Starter Kit
Are we going back to the good old days of collecting cigarette cards, only collecting tokens to get a free Child Starter Kit?
It’s a pity the youngest Granddaughter is beyond the soother stage now, or I would have got her one.
She’ll just have to smoke ’em the normal way.
What ever the message on the pack is it’s lost on me, I guess I’m just not on the same wave length as the TC cultists.
The latest thing here in Oz is 20 packs of Rothmans with a menthol capsule in the butt. You can smoke them as normal or squeeze the butt and it becomes a menthol.
Now that is sheer genius! So they aren’t selling menthol flavoured cigarettes [apparently kiddie-porn in TC’s twisted world] but you can still get the menthol flavour.
I just love the way people find ways of circumventing TC’s stupid laws.
Ha! As GD says, pure genius! I bet TC are getting their knickers in a right twist about that one!
“Oh My God, they’ve found a way to allow menthol people to enjoy their smokes! We have to stop this immediately! We can’t have people enjoying something as evil as smoking…. It’s for their own good, and anyway, think of the cheeldren!”
I cadged a fag off a long-time smoker at work for my break, well hadn’t she just changed brands from B&H gold to some things that if you squeeze the filter will give you a menthol drag, weird – I avoided squeezing the tip much, being the generous woman she is, she didn’t just leave one or two for my break, she left 19 in a packet! Still they came in handy for when I ran out of Regal KS…