Repellent politics
It's over six weeks since we had that election.
We haven't had a gubmint since and things are running very smoothly, thanks very much.
It's an interesting situation – two big parties both with almost the same number of seats, and a clatter of small parties that crawled out from under a rock before the election. Even if either of the two big parties convinced all the small parties to join them [which they can't because Sinn Féin won't join with either of them] then they can't form a majority.
So that leaves only one possibility which is for the two big parties to join together, which they won't. They are like the poles on a magnet – identical in virtually all aspects, but as we all know – like poles repel.
As far as I know they have until Thursday to sort the mess. Then they have to toddle up the the Hobbit up in his Áras where Bilbo will tell them either to grow up and agree to something, or he'll call another election. There is another option which I must suggest to him – that all the politicians are shipped to an island [Rockall would be good] and aren't allowed off until they have come to a decision. An even better idea would be to just ship them to Rockall and leave them there permanently.
So if they are forced into an agreement, I can't see it lasting, and if another election called then why should people vote any differently? We would just end up back where we are now.
So it is feasible that we will be without a gubmint for some considerable time.
Happy days!
It's like when the Police strike and crime rates plummet. Things just run smoother when our political masters are preoccupied with things other than bothering us.
What do we need 'em for anyway? They spend their time doing sweet fuck all, and went they aren't doing sweet fuck all, they are passing crazy laws.
Watch it, young fellah; Rockall is British.
I hate to disillusion you but it's Irish. Just because a few blokes planted a flag on it, nothing has changed.
Anyway, you're French at this stage to what do you care?
And you misspelled your own name!
Easiest way to settle most arguments is to hand each party leader a gernade with pin missing and lock them in a closet. if they expire before reaching an agreement, then go with the second in command for each party.
I suspect they will reach an agreement quickly. Who knows I might even unlock the closet once they reach an agreement, or not.
I wouldn't bother opening the door even if they did reach an agreement. I'd get a witness, ask the two boneheads what the agreement was and then just slip the pins under the door and tell them to put them back in the grenades (while standing in the dark of course). Then I'd run like hell.
How about just managing without a government? The Belgians did it for quite a while and they didn't drop into the sea.
Maybe, but those clannish Flemings and Walloons don't like dancing cheek-to-cheek, do they? It's like some FG and FF families down the country positively frown on inter-marriage.
No federal gubmint? Is that a choice? Where do I sign up?
“So that leaves only one possibility which is for the two big parties to join together, which they won't. They are like the poles on a magnet – identical in virtually all aspects, but as we all know – like poles repel.”
We had one of those jolly-joined-together Governments over here last time and it worked really, really well. Didn’t it? Boys and girls?
Maybe not. I’ll get my coat ….
The civil service is often called the permanent government. Are you pleased with its silent, gallant performance during the past 6 weeks since the election count?