Defining dementia
Go teetotal to reduce dementia risks.
Are they fucking demented?
there is “no safe level of alcohol consumption”
Oh go and fuck yourselves. In my book there's no dangerous level either. I drink too much – I fall down – I can't drink any more – problem solved.
Reducing activity –'slowing down' and having ' earned a rest' – are often seen as an expected part of growing older.
Indeed they are and I'm making the most of it. I spent over forty years getting up at unreasonable hours, chasing around exhausting myself and now that I don't have to, I'm making the most of it. Are they seriously suggesting I should voluntarily start rushing around the place again just to please them? As the old saying goes – sit on that and swivel.
The evidence we looked at suggested that people can prevent these outcomes by making simple changes in life — stopping smoking, cutting alcohol, being more active and losing weight," he said. "Even small but regular changes – such as climbing the stairs instead of using an escalator – can have significant effects.
Fuck me! Have they never heard that life is for living and not just existing? What a really sad world these people live in. And if there is a lift or an escalator there I will use it in preference to the stairs because that's what it's there for.
The guidance stresses that not all risks can be eliminated.
Oh dear. All that and there are still risks? How can that be? I give up all the pleasures in lfe and there are still risks? I bet these people would bring an umbrella and raincoat to the beach in the Bahamas, just in case. No, on second thoughts they wouldn't go near a beach as the sun is too dangerous!
Do these people who promote this shit actually believe their own drivel? Do they actually live life according to their own little religion? They sound like a right barrel of laughs at any party, but then who in their right minds would invite such joyless twats to a party?
Some day they are going to grow old. Some day they may realise that there is only one life and that living according to a formula that has only one aim and that's longevity, that their entire life has been wasted.
When they sit there in their wheelchairs dribbling and drooling I hope they think their grey miserable life was worthwhile after all.
I just ran into one of these folks the other day. I was at my local coffee shop when I was accosted by her for smoking outside on the porch. She laid into me about how disgusting smoking is and how it shouldn't be allowed on the front porch of the coffee shop.
She caught me at the wrong time!I snapped out at this cunt. As a matter of fact I called her just that and believe me that's no small matter over here. I told her, in no uncertain terms, that we are disallowed from smoking inside so they make accomodations for us outside and she better shut the fuck up before I slap the white off of her cow looking face.
Like I said she caught me at just the wrong time.
Brilliant!! Don't suppose you took a photo of the reaction?
I just tell 'em it's not half as disgusting as people who think they have some kind of divine right to chastise a stranger in the street.
This only happened to me once and I thoroughly enjoyed telling the fat lump off. I look forward to the next time, if there is one. I hate these people!!
I have only had flappers so far. I'm waiting for that perfect moment – sitting outside the pub/coffee shop on a glorious hot Summer's day and someone complains about the smoke… "The law says your place is inside, and that mine is out here."
“ … making simple changes in life — stopping smoking …”
Oh, I do wish these rabid zealots would make their minds up! One minute they’re telling smokers that they’re all in the grip of the most terrible addiction ever known to man – “as addictive as heroin,” “addicts don’t have a choice,” “smokers don’t really enjoy smoking – they’re just satisfying their cravings,” “slaves to their habit,” etc etc etc – and that without assistance from their Big Pharma chums or their Big NHS friends we’ll don’t have a snowball’s chance in Hell of stopping, and the next minute they’re telling us that “stopping smoking” is just a “simple change!”
A little uniformity would be most useful. Either we’re all helpless addicts (in which case stopping smoking would be far from simple, and punitive taxation becomes as bad, or worse than, extra-taxing sick or disabled people), or we’re not (in which case we do have a choice, and some of us choose to smoke). It can’t be both at the same time.
So, which is it, antis?
I overlooked that little nugget. You are of course bang on – either cigarettes are easy to quit or they aren't. But then these professors are fairly well known for bending any facts to suit their cause. So long as the results are OK, the methods don't matter.
They're coming for the sausage & the bacon next, apparently.
My mother was a petit woman (5'3"/athletic build and all of 100 lbs), she trained for the Olympics (but WWII broke out so the US pulled out), quit smoking when she was 40, rarely drank, and was always physically active. Mild to moderate dementia manifested itself when she was around 74/75 and she died at 77. The longest lived remember of her family, most of which died in their 60's.
So much for the so-called experts.