
Behind the scenes — 11 Comments

  1. You are far too liberal, a belt around the head with a hurley is the sort of language needed.

    • Good grief!  Most of my "guests" would give anything for a good belting around the head with a hurley.  It would be a blessed relief from the conditions they are enduring now.  They're resorting to cannibalism lately and the screams from the Plat du Jour can be quite horrific. 

  2. I do wonder what they expect to gain. It's not as if we are all using credit cards on your site, so hacking into your database would produce potentially profitable returns. And email addresses? I think most of us are wise to those emails from 'PayPal' telling us that there has been some unusual activity on our account, and please log in using THIS link so it can be sorted out. Yeah, sure. And since when did PayPal make spelling mistakes in their emails, eh?

    Or maybe they do it simply because they are a complete pain in the arse, and they want everyone to know it…

    • They gain absolutely nothing except to give me a pain in the arse.  After posting this I cleaned out the Spam folder.  Just went in and checked, to find three more pages of 'em.  I would just love to flood their fucking servers with virulent viruses. 

  3. I'm sure it takes a lot of your time maintaining the blog but it is down to someone just randomly finding the vitals needed to hack in. In a somewhat similar vein, whilst looking for a youtube video totally unconnected to anything you might post, I came across a video by 'headrambles' which may, or may not be yours. If it is, I totally enjoyed the 'Hell' video with Rowan Atkinson.

  4. I believe I have the same little yoke that you do  that lays in wait for these invaders from some sort of cyber hell. It's rather ironic that this security plugin keeps sending me a plethora of emails about infiltrators trying to break into the backend of my old site that is currently sitting in doldrums of the innerweb.Wouldn't it be wonderful if I could reprogram this security plugin so that every time someone tries to break into my old blog that the plugin calls this guy named Guido (You know, the guy with the slopping forehead, no neck and muscles in his earlobes?) who pays a visit to each and every one of the little asshats and teaches them all about Internet courtesy?

    • WordFence? 

      I did think it would be great to respond to each attack by sending them a virulent virus, but than how many of those "senders" are in fact people whose machines have been infiltrated and are just redirecting the spams?  I know my email address is sometimes used for spamming purposes [nothing I can do about that] because I get the occasional "Out of Office" reply.

  5. Oh, and the spell checker seems to be working fine now (thanks) but the paragraph thingy seems to be broken again. Never ending isn't it? 

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