Back pain
I was mucking around on my phone the other night and found I couldn't get into this site.
It didn't bother me that much because mobile phone reception in the area I was staying was, to put it mildly, fucking atrocious. One minute, four bars, the next minute, no service provider. The apparent loss of a site was easily explained by a shite reception.
But then I got a couple of mails. Each of them politely pointed out that Rambles was dead, extinct and broken.
It wasn't the reception.
My problem was that my phone could view most websites [very badly] but I couldn't get into the engine room of Rambles for love nor money.
OK, I'm back. And so is the site. It was a fucking plugin that updated itself and fucked everything up.
Normal service will resume shortly.
draft email of panic *delete* glad it's back
It took three days [or whatever] to draft a simple email? Wow! Don't ever think of writing a novel.
it was only gone for the morning on my end
It went down some time on Saturday morning and came back yesterday [Monday] afternoon. You really should check more often….
never noticed the site died…oh well…
You were quick enough to notice it was back though? Admit it – you have been constantly pressing 'refresh' for the entire weekend.
okay I have your site in the bloglovin blog reading feed thingumajig I open the feed daily to see if there are any headlines and snippets that grab the eye and yours does….usually….
can I have your autograph?
One autograph on its way –
It was Supershadow and his light sabre
Please do NOT mention Supershadow's light sabre on this site. It conjures up a very nasty image.
I hope you had a wonderful time on vacation (holiday) and didn't think too much about this site but instead focused on not being home.
Brilliant thanks! Complete and utter peace with no distractions. I did check the site from time to time just to see if was still there. And then the one time I didn't check, it wasn't. Such is life?
Have you been away?
Sorry GD, didn't notice…..we've had people staying for the past 10 days so I admit I never logged in. :>(((
Yeah! Right! And the dog ate your homework?
I couldn't get it on my iPad but could on my desktop?
Something funny there as it was a fault on the server [will I go into technicalities? Nah!] so maybe I just fixed it in between your moving from iPad to desktop?
I actually have a specially made "Site-is-Down-Due-to-Some-Fucking-Plugin-That-Updates-Itself-and-Kills-the-Site-in-the-Process" extension for Firefox that lets me view your site even though it wasn't really there.
I also just bought Lamborghini.