
A toast to the Nanny State — 18 Comments

  1. Using the same logic, would crapping in the street be related to the number of public conveniences a town council chooses to provide?

    • Ah here now!  Don't be using that word "logic".  It has no place whatsoever in this debate.

  2. The public health crowd do not have to understand economics or any of the laws of competition. Instead they have evolved their own non-sensical theory that claims "supply creates demand" rather than the other way around as it is in the real world. 

    A business decision to invest in an off-license in any area is based on there being enough demand to sustain it. Ten Mormon Churches here in Mayfield in Cork would not convert a single local, even if they gave away free drink to get us in their doors.

    Nothing against the Mormons of course!

    • The problem is that the dimwit Twitterati will read this nonsense and believe every word of it.  I include those in the Dáil who will obviously lap up any old shit.

      I'm off now to open ten shops in the village all selling chocolate teapots.  The demand will apparently be enormous.

  3. Planet expert…similar to planet spokesman and planet unnamed source…all places where the state language is bullshit…

  4. Now now, GD. None of this 'naming and shaming' malarkey please. I admit some kids get out of order when they get pissed, but did you never get falling over drunk and barf in inconvenient places when you were young? Were you never a bit of a prat when you were lathered? It's a bit of a rite of passage, and just because we're grumpy old bastards doesn't mean we have the right to deny today's youth the opportunity to make idiots of themselves just like we did at that age. It's part of the learning curve. No need to involve parents or employers. The few who go on to be irredeemable piss-head pains-in-the-arse wouldn't be fazed by appearing on a website anyway.

    As for our gormless 'professor', I know a professor who would disagree vehemently with his pontifications:

    I think his reaction would be similar to yours. 🙂

    It was inevitable that someone soon would start calling for 'plain' packaging for alcohol. Anyone with a functioning brain cell in their skull knew that once the precedent had been set with tobacco, all the joyless puritans in 'Public Health' would be falling over themselves to get some of the same action for their pet hate. Only the brainless turds in Tobacco Control spouted the 'no slippery slope' mantra. Morons.

    • I can honestly say I don't ever remember waking in the gutter covered in puke and piss.  There again I don't remember much about those drinking sessions.  I never did!  Ah!  The Good Old Days.

      I think the main difference between now and my time is the prevalence of those "shots".  In my day we drank pints and the sheer physics of capacity prevented us from getting semi-lethal doses of alcohol.  The problem with being a Libertarian is that I can't call for a ban on "shots"!  Damned principles…..

  5. The only problem of your website idea is that certain stupid individuals would think that it was "clever" to be named and shamed.

    I understand that having an ASBO is seen as a "badge of honour" in some groups.


  6. Let's see if I've got this right….

    Typical pint of bitter is around 4.0% which equates to 2.3 units of alcohol

    So at €1 per unit, a pint will cost €2.30 or (£1.66 at current Exchange Rate of 0.72121)

    I'll drink to that !


    • As usual with these twats, he's meddling in an area about which he knows little.  One thing I can guarantee is that the price of the pint will not come down.  I varies at the moment between €4 to €6 so the old €2.30 is but a distant memory.  Mind you – I remember complaining when the pint went up to 2/6 [in real money] which would very roughly be 30 cents in modern parlance.  I would drink to that.

    • No good without the names.  I like the one with Yer Wan and her head half way around the U-bend!

  7. Of course, the implication of the study is that a multitude of vineyards should cause a multitude of health problems – Saint Emilion, a beautiful town we visited last September, should be a major place on the cirrhosis map, but the good citizens appeared in rude health.

    The correlation that should be investigated is that between social deprivation and cirrhosis, but that would be far too challenging to the powerful. As with the cigarettes, it is much easier to attack the poor than to ask the real questions.

    • The implication of most studies these days seems to point the disapproving finger at the socially deprived [see also Low Income, Uneducated, the Great Unwashed].  The implication is that well educated, middle income intellectuals wouldn't stoop to smoking, drinking or eating fast foods.  Attack the poor and remove any last pleasures they may have.

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