
Hamlet had it right — 4 Comments

  1. Yes but did they drink all your whisky you were planning to use to put yourself to sleep with this evening?

    • It was mostly Grandkids – a lovely visit, if I hadn't been so zonked.  I usually give them a drop of gin or vodka if I can find where Herself has stashed it, but never whiskey.  I call that my Special Reserve because it is reserved especially for me.

  2. The visitors are mostly Grandkids…and you usually give them a drop of gin or vodka?  Next time you give these hyperactive kids gin or vodka you could spike the drinks with ground-down sleeping tablets, and that'll make them quiet as angels.

    • That is not a bad idea at all, at all. 

      Actually they were relatively quiet and it was a very pleasant visit but then I didn't feed them large quantities of sugar either.

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