Childhood obesity my arse
I received an email this morning.
As a member of Ireland’s influential blogging community, safefood would like to invite you to join a webinar all about the next stages of the Childhood Obesity campaign. The webinar will take place at 2.30pm on Thursday 28th November.
For a start, I haven't a fucking clue what a "webinar" is so I am very unlikely to attend.
You may have already heard about this campaign and seen some of the outdoor or TV advertising. With 1 out of every 4 children on the island of Ireland overweight, this is an issue that we, as a society, need to be aware of and tackle together.
No. I haven't heard of your fucking campaign as I avoid advertisements. And what's this "1 out of 4" shite? This sounds suspiciously like one of these "5,265 people die every year from picking their nose" bits of crap that the Nanny State loves so dearly. The evidence of my own eyes tells me this is a load of horseshit. And no – it is NOT an issue that we as a society, need to be aware of and tackle together. Society can mind its own fucking business. If people want to cram their kids full of sweets then that's their business and it has fuck all to do with you or me.
The mail goes on about "the childhood obesity debate" and wanting my ideas on a "healthier Ireland" but frankly I have more important things to do that to read their Nannying tripe.
Everything about that mail gives me the creeps. Even their title – safefood – with its "safe" in bold italics is nauseating. Everything has to be safe these days, not to mention healthier. You can fuck off on both counts.
I had a look to see who these Nannys are –
safefood is an all-island implementation body set up under the British-Irish Agreement with a general remit to promote awareness and knowledge of food safety and nutrition issues on the island of Ireland.
I might have guessed. Another government funded lobby group whose aim is to perpetuate their own existence and their own fat salaries by whinging about something that is none of their fucking business.
These people will never be happy all the time there is some pleasure to be had in the world.
I have a good mind to go along to their "webinar" [if I can find out what it is].
They wouldn't know what hit 'em.
YES, YES, YES! "Go" to the "webinar" and tell the mindless, utterly stupid sheeple what concerns real people with genuine lives too busy to create even more totally pointless, overpaid and useless ways to extract the piss and taxes. I've said before, where's my garotte/machine gun? You have my vote – anybody else?
I have just been wandering around their website. Jayzus but that job requires a cast-iron stomach!
The best laugh tough is James "Fatso" Reilly –
"Obesity presents a real clinical, social and financial challenge which will have a detrimental legacy lasting decades and which will undoubtedly lead Ireland to an unhealthy and extremely costly, if not unaffordable, future if action is not taken now."
Talk about pots and kettles!
safefood is an all-island implementation body set up under the British-Irish Agreement with a general remit to promote awareness and knowledge of food safety and nutrition issues on the island of Ireland.
That's a lie its an EU project who'd have thunk it?
A plague on all their houses.
Makes no differ whether it's gubmint or EU. It's still being paid for out of our taxes, and is nothing more than a self serving qango.
Did you get as far as the"Knowledge Networks" page?
That should really do your head in!
BTW – a "Webinar" is basically web conferencing, so you wouldn't actually have to go anywhere. You could stir the buggers up from the comfort of your armchair…
Sweet fuck!! It's nothing but conferences. Proof positive that these people do sweet fuck all except sit around reinforcing their own prejudices.
If I remember, I'll try to hack into their love-in. How long before I'm barred? My money is on five seconds…..
webinar sounds like a seminar held by spiders to trap people, go and squash them
I like spiders. Herself doesn't so I spend my time catching them and evicting them to the garden.
safefood is an all-island implementation body set up under the British-Irish Agreement with a general remit to promote awareness and knowledge of food safety and nutrition issues on the island of Ireland
Yawn…. pass me another meat pie, for fucks sake!! Yes GD, that bloke Reilly should really shut the fuck up. And he is a doctor FFS. I really think you should join the webiwotsit and enjoy yourself.
I have been thinking about this "webinar" thing and to be quite honest, I think my time would be better spent watching raindrops on the window. These people have remarkably selective hearing and can only hear words of praise and encouragement. Even a mild argument would be like pissing against the wind.
@BD – the sheep know how to rally:
Still and all, an occasional school lunch of nettle soup and organic popcorn, instead of coke and chocolate, might make inroads on the child obesity problem. Any other innovative dieting suggestions from our avant garde readers?
Tripe followed by tofu ice-cream.
For school dinner we had to round off with a sago pudding we cheerfully called Frog's Eyes. It had a dollop of strawberry jam on top, which doctors now advise us contains Vitamin C. Oh yes, and a home made mixed vegetable soup was called Chef's Vomit. Tasty. We never got obese.
frogs Eyes
Heh! You didn't go to Ring College by any chance? They used to serve Chef's Vomit every Friday. Revolting stuff that matched its name. It's the only place I ever heard the name though.
Giving names like these to wholesome dishes is a sure way to limit schoolchild obesity.