Nag Nag Nag
noun: epidemic; plural noun: epidemics
1. a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time.
Obesity is not a disease, nor is it infectious. I'm surprised that doctors don't know that, or are they just using scary words to bolster their cause and frighten the public?
The Royal College of Physicians of Ireland (RCPI) also called for a review of how sugary drinks are promoted and the effect their consumption has, particularly by children.
It's none of their fucking business. And it didn't take 'em long to play the chiiildren card, did it?
Professor Donal O’Shea warned they provide no nutritional benefits but are linked with weight gain.
Oh dear. Something that gives pleasure but has no health benefits? We can't have that, can we?
“With one in four Irish schoolchildren classified as overweight or obese, we have an epidemic and the Government must take action,” said the hospital consultant.
Change your purely arbitrary classification of obese and Bob's your uncle. No more obesity. Simples.
“There is widespread agreement among health professionals, now backed by a convincing body of evidence, that sugar sweetened drinks, including sports drinks, and their pattern of consumption are significant factors in weight gain and obesity, especially among children.
No citations here – just the usual "we know better than the Plebs" stuff. Personally I would have thought the fact that kids are driven everywhere, and when they're not going somewhere, they're stuck in front of the television or Playstation might have something to do with it? I know! Let's ban televisions.
“Despite this, sugar sweetened drinks remain popular in Ireland, and are heavily promoted.
And why not? They are popular because people like them. They are perfectly legal and if the manufacturers want to advertise their products that's up to them. Personally I don't go for these sweet drinks, so I just ignore the advertising. Or do these doctors think that people are so fucking thick that they have to rush off to buy a can just because they've seen a picture of one?
“Sports personalities and organisations are often used by industry to market their sports drinks.
So? Doctors keep lamming on about how important sports are. They can't blame the drinks industry for hitching a ride?
“This is certainly something that I believe should be discouraged in the future.”
Ban advertising and involvement in sports? Now where have I heard that before?
The RCPI policy group on obesity said research indicates that the obese children of today will become the obese adults of tomorrow, costing the state more than a billion euro in healthcare costs and loss of productivity due to illness.
Here we go with the old "these people are costing the state a fortune" trick. It's bollox. How does the state suffer from loss of productivity? Manufacturing may do, but it costs the state nothing. And the purpose of the Health Department is to provide healthcare, not prevent people from using it.
It said public health must be prioritised over commercial gains and backed the Irish Heart Foundation which also called on Minister for Finance Michael Noonan to consider a tax hike on October 15th.
Another strange echo from the past. Who is the enemy now? Big Drink? Big Soda? Big Fizzy? We have to give the enemy a catchy name now, don't we?
Associate Professor Dr Catherine Hayes said studies show a price increase will encourage adults and parents to buy healthier drinks.
More of these fucking studies. She's wrong. It just means people will have to pay more. And what's a healthier drink? Dr Catherine should try drinking my tap water! It's full of chemicals which are probably causing far more damage than a drop of sugar.
“There is now a consensus across a broad spectrum of health professionals that a tax on sugar sweetened drinks is needed as an important step in addressing the challenge of obesity in Ireland,” she added.
Here we go with the "we know better than the Plebs" bit again. So banging a few pence on a can of Pepsi is going to cure all ills? This smacks more of someone trying to justify her existence and fat salary.
“A Health Impact Assessment commissioned by the Department of Health in 2012 estimated that a 10 per cent tax on sugar sweetened drinks would reduce the number of obese adults in Ireland by 10,000.
Brilliant! Another number picked at random to scare the peasants. 5,200 killed by smoking? 10,000 saved from obesity? What's next? My bet is 43,000 killed by salt. Any takers? Even a pea-brain could see that their statement is a load of bullshit.
“The introduction of the tax would go some way towards reducing direct and indirect costs of obesity, and would generate additional much-needed revenue for prevention.”
And here we have it. The real reason for this whole business.
Let's rewrite that last paragraph.
"The introduction of the tax would do fuck all for obesity but it would raise lots of cash to keep us in cushy jobs and which we can spend on rubbish studies and nagging the Plebs."
It's always about money.
GD I actually do think that children are getting fatter but so too are adults – at least in the UK and USA they are.
But I don't think it's down to fizzy drinks, more likely, as you say stuck in front of the television or Playstation,but I'm also convinced a lot of it has to do with the growth in fast/convenient food outlets and lack of good old home cooking.
Anyway, as you say, just another excuse for a so called "health tax".
Yes, kids are slightly more "rotund" these days but to talk of an "obesity epidemic" is a load of rubbish. I see kids every day and granted a few of them could lose a pound or two but the rest are fine healthy kids.
These health fascists are just hooking on to one item at the moment, but if they have any success with this, it will be the fast food outlets, food in the supermarket and whatever they think they can get away with next.
I have no problem with these people putting forward their points of view and "educating" people, but this so called Nudging and interfering in people's own choices is wrong. Adults are adults and they should be free to do as they wish without some nagging Nanny State treating them like children. If I want to drink five gallons of fizzy orange every day then that is my business and not the fucking state's.
Personally I have no time for fast food outlets and will avoid them like the plague. I think their food is shit and their garish bright plastic and "happy happy have a nice day" attitude obnoxious but that is MY opinion and it is not my right to tell any business how they should run their business, where they locate or what they sell. It is not the state's business either. Their function is to serve, not bully.
Where does the Royal moniker come from?
As in "Royal College of Physicians of Ireland"? Heh! Must be a hangover from the old days. They probably keep it for the snobby value.
That did cross my mind but its coming to something when the word Royal 'means something' in a Republic.
I'll drink to your sound debunking of the demands of the RCPI policy group Grandad; and I'll treat myself to a bar of chocolate or two into the bargain. As for fizzy lemonade – it makes a good splash in a double Jameson on the rocks sometimes, and Jameson never caused obesity.
Isn't chocolate supposed to be very good for you? Or was that yesterday's research?
Lemonade in Jameson? Good God! Sacrilege!
This is what happens when they successfully demonize one group they will come for another and then another and then another till they have taxed everything for our benfit next it will be violent games i absolutely guarantee it
There are those of us of a certain "lifestyle persuasion" that have seen this coming from a log time back.
We warned 'em. Would they listen?
While you think fast food taste like shit these kids that grow up with it learn to prefer it.Resently a School had to switch back to serving a hamburger patty that includes 26 ingredients(Sugars one) because the kids didn't like 100% whole beef.Drink one coke a day and a kid will consume fifty pounds of sugar in a year.The sugar cartel has been fighting research for decades.Now I myself think each of us should be able to do want we want concerning our own diets but to have research thwarted by a company because the truth could hurt their bottom line is shit.How 'bout a level playing field?
Welcome William! I did say that was very much a personal preference. I am fond enough of my sugar, salt, spices and whatever other flavourings people want to throw at me. I do take your point though that taste is a something that develops over time and can be hard to adjust. I also agree wholeheartedly that the playing field should be level. I can just hear these "health advocates" demanding that the soft drinks industry be kept away from the discussion table, so that what we end up with is a completely unbalanced, one sided view. Let all research be put on the table from both sides, and let's watch the sparks fly!
My good lady is a 'dinner time supervisor' (pc title if ever there was one) at a local primary school and she is livid as she sees bland and boring but 'healthy' food cooked in the morning get slopped on the kids plastic trays to sit there for ten to twenty minutes and then moves into the slop bucket to be put into the garbage and from there into landfill.
The cooks, teachers and head can all see what is going on but none of them do anything because 'the government rules' cannot be broken.
No salt. no sugar food that cannot even be fed to pigs.
What a shithole England has become stuffed full of people scared of their own shadow.
My good lady has spoken to all concerned and they all say they can do nothing except try and get the kids to eat the stuff…