Their loss
I once had ambitions to be the Pope.
Oh for the joyful innocence of a seven year old!
I had it all mapped out.
I was going to become an alter boy and then move on to the priesthood and then stab an claw my way through the ranks of bishops and cardinals until I finally gained my rightful place on the throne.
Unfortunately, God had other ideas and gave me a massive dose of the flu on the day they were press ganging alter boys, so I fell at the first fence and was presumably denied the joys of being buggered by our local priest.
Maybe God regretted his hasty actions because years later, in secondary school we had visits from a group of Storm Troopers trying to get us to sign up for the priesthood. They handed around application forms and some wanker in the class filled in my name and address. It certainly wasnât me, as I had used my form to fill in the name and address of Brian Hanrahan who was the class bully. For weeks they kept calling around to the house and wouldnât take no for an answer. I told them I was a victim of a practical joke and they said that was fine; that people often had second thoughts and that they would pray with me to get me back on the path of righteousness. In the end I just told them to fuck off and took to slamming the door in their faces.
So but for that quirk of fate and a dose of the flu, I could be over there in Rome right now. I could be in there back-stabbing, blackmailing and bribing along with the rest of them.
I donât regret it though.
I never looked good in a dress.
You could have been known as, "The Un-Holy Grandfather"
Pope Grandad I ?
I could be in there back-stabbing, blackmailing and bribing along with the rest of them.
Don't forget the buggery of alter boys as well!!
No no no! You have it all wrong.
Priests bugger alter boys. Bishops bugger priests, Cardinals bugger bishops and the pope buggers the cardinals.
That is what they refer to as "The Catholic Hierarchy".
Apologies for not fully understanding about these things.
Me being protestant an' all.
Ah! An ignorant Black Protestant? That would explain it….
A very good thing indeed that you never got shanghaied by Catholic church when you were young and impressionable (if you actually were young and impressionable). Otherwise you would have missed a lifetime of having a fine woman like Herself by your side.
Herself would have been his live-in housekeeper; our priest has one.
Not much different from the status quo then? [*cough*]
According to this
To be Pope you only need to be
1) A Catholic
2) Be a man
If there happens to be any Cardinals reading your blog, you might be in with a chance yet, throw your name in the hat, you might be the youngest.
Stranger things have happened, but I think God has greater plans for me yet. I just wish he'd tell me what they are.
pass her-in-doors off as the house keeper, priests have been using that line a long time
I bet you look gawjus in a dress. Beardn'all.
I look fuckin' gawjus in anything. Though I have to avoid green mascara.
Never mind the Pope just read this to know where all your new taxes are going……bondholder I think?
Trying to cheer me up? That's not the way to do it…..
I'm just wondering GD, how do you know you never looked good in a dress?
You don't say you're sure you wouldn't look good in a dress.. hmmm.
Are you going to say you never wore trousers?
I'm not normally one for pimping my site ( I actually pay a couple of 10 year olds to do that ), but your post is a bit of serendipity I can't pass up.
As you know the Clod of Cardinals is even now attempting to select a new Pope. Well, not to put too fine a point on it, they're having the Devil's own time doing so. Infighting, back-stabbing, arguments over who wore which stole last, you name it. The long and short of it is they're soliciting nominations. But ONLY from devout, practicing Catholics. They have a couple of numbers their followers can call with their nominations and I've posted them here. Again, ONLY devout practicing Catholics should call.
As a final note, it seems to me I've seen you, Grandad, in a dress. At one of those Irish Blog awards. 2-3 years back was it? While not perhaps your finest effort, I've seen far uglier at closing time.
No – I'm NOT going to explain that.
Don't know about that but his Tux was an offence to fashion, nature and God hisself.
Just out of interest, I wonder how they are supposed to know the callers are practicing? Is there some kind of test? Did they give out a secret password at mass last Sunday?
And those fucking numbers are engaged all the time………..
Regarding your final note – it could have been the year I nearly won the Rose of Tralee thingy?
I wonder how they are supposed to know the callers are practicing?
They bottled some Pope Essence and dabbed the receiving phones with it; as the Pope is infallible, the phones heat up with the Devil's Breath when a non-practicing Catholic calls and the line is quickly disconnected.
Uh…and a piece of advice? DO NOT call those numbers if you are not a practicing Catholic; a special Hell awaits those individuals anyway, you don't want to be needlessly added.
RE Rose of Tralee: rings a bell. Wearing you wearing red that night?
You have a good memory Nick.
Found this in the photo album…
I could have missed seeing that. I really could.
But you're glad you didn't!
And the wife says my memory's slipping!
don't think you'd be up for the buggary either tbh..and the skirts are for easy access…
If they are so heavily into the buggery thing, where did the expression "Missionary Position" come from?
Nah; you wouldn't take to the job for long. Sure there's not a drop of stout in the vatican. At least not on tap anyway.
As head if the Vatican State, I can import the stuff. No problem.
Hey, GD! I have found a pair of red slippers on ebay. Do you want me to bid on them?
Bid on them if you like. No skin off my nose. Do you really need red slippers?
What's your size?
What has my size got to do with it? You want to buy red slippers? Choose the size that fits you. Nothing to do with me.
On the first morning of your papacy Grandad, what substance would you put into your pipe in order to give the tobacco smoke a white colour? Habemus Grandpapam would be the camerlengo's triumphant call from St. Peter's balcony, of course. What would herself be called?
A blast of Home Grown would be in order?
Herself would be known as Housekeeper, of course.
My young brother-in-law in Dublin went to be a priest, this was back in the 60's and I think he was only 14 or so. However on his first visit home he managed to get a girl pregnant and that was the end of that, I don't think his mother ever forgave him.
Did the girl marry the boy and make an honest man of him? Did his mother acknowledge her unexpected grandchild?