
Out of the Shadows — 25 Comments

  1. "Jaded but somtimes gifted cynicism?  Hmmmm.  Dunno whether to be insulted or flattered by that?  I’ll take it as flattery, thanks."She's got you pegged there GD.

  2. Trolling in private. Can't see the point myself but then again as I age so much what passes for 'modern life' is an empty shell.

  3. Jasus, GD. I'm exhausted by all that crap…..why not tell the boring  fucker/he/she/it/gobshite to fuck right off

  4. I almost feel sorry for "supershadow" (??????whahhhhhh???????!!!!!! 😀 😀 :D).Sounds to me like your dealing with something more akin to a John Gormley/Michael McDowell hybrid clone.

    • he likes John Gormley.  If I remember correctly SS once told me that Gormley was a hero and friend of The Force?

    • Damn!  He/she/it comments over at your place?  I'm dead jealous.

      By the way, he/she/it doesn't like people to mention where he/she/it is from.

  5. Listen GD, we'd all be grateful if you'd keep your "dark passages and secret chambers" to yourself!! Post to Junk Mail.

  6. etirw kcab ot 'me ekil siht! llet me eht dlrow si dekcuf!   I find it works great with spammers / trollers.

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