For the sake of the children
I had forgotten that there is a referendum here next week.
Today I got yet another one of their glossy gubmint booklets explaining the whole thing to me. I would love to know just how much all this crap is costing me, via my taxes.
My attitude to the referendum is quite simple.
I couldnât give a shit.
The purpose of the referendum, as far as I can gather is to amend the constitution to allow the state a bigger say in the upbringing of children. Even putting to one side the fact that I am sick to the fucking teeth hearing about our precious fucking children and how we must protect them from anything and everything, the whole thing stinks.
Point 1. The gubmint admits quite openly that it hasnât a clue how many children have died while in its âcareâ. So far it is admitting to well over a hundred but weâll never hear the truth on that one.
Point 2. Do I think itâs a good idea to give the state more powers? No fucking way. The gubmint has granted itself far too many powers already. Half the problems in this country can be traced back to the gubmint and the state fucking things up royally.
Point 3. If the gubmint care so fucking much about children, why are they cutting back on education and childcare allowances?
I have reached the point of complete burn-out. I really couldnât give a flying fuck about the referendum and will certainly make no effort at all to vote. If I happen to be near the polling station on the day, I might call in but that is exceptionally unlikely. Even if I do call in, I canât decide whether to vote no or just scribble on the voting card that they can go fuck themselves. Hard decisions.
Or maybe Iâll just post them a ballot paper quoting Grandadâs Law?
Vincent Browne on his show on the topic last week, astounded me by saying that, forty two children currently "in care", are ……………… missing. They've just fucked off and nobody knows where they are and appear to care even less. Naturally, nobody lost their job either. Those precious children would have been safer in an abusive home. And remember Grandad, smoking in front of children is child abuse, so you know how to get rid of the grandchildren should you need to !!!
I'm thinking of imposing smoking restrictions in the house here, for the sake of the grandchildren. If they want to smoke, they can do it outdoors. Hate the smell of cigarette smoke.
Flying fuck aside, what about the responsibility of the parents. Put the fuckers in jail.
What? All of them?
Remember the old statement "it only takes two to make a child but a village to rear one".
The next time I hear somebody asking me to "think about the children" I'm going to belt them one. I was practically a prisoner in my own house yesterday because of persistent, spoilt rotten little shites who won't take NO for an answer by repetitively banging on my door and roaring in the letterbox.
Almost makes me wish I had one of these:
There is nothing like a good dose of Halloween to bring about a feeling of deep love for all children! At least the little fucks steered weel clear of the Manor. My techniques must be working at last.
Thank heavens 'Trick-or-Treat' doesn't seem to have caught on in Greece. At least I haven't seen any marauding kids here, but we're out in the sticks.
Or maybe the kids have all been eaten? I believe things are still bad there?
I got the glossy brochure today as well, can't find any details on the promised Senate referendum though. Wonder if they ….. forgot about that ??
Of course they've forgotten about that. It fell foul of The Great Amnesia that befell the gubmint once the election was over and they realised they had the power.
With regard next weeks referendum, have the-powers-that-be released the results yet?
Results to which referendum? Next week's or the re-run the week after?