Last night they held the Blog Awards Ireland event.
For those of you not familiar with this, it’s an annual event and it’s the sort of Oscars of the Irish blogging world. It used to be known as the Irish Blog Awards but for some strange reason they changed it this year – new organisers, new name. And to my utter amazement, Rambles came away with two gongs.
I would like to have gone to the do, but events conspired and I wasn’t able to make it. It’s probably just as well as sticking me into a hall full of Young Wans full of drink could have caused some problems. I’m getting too old for all those paternity tests.
Way back in ‘08 I won Best Personal, but since that I have just loitered in the Finalists. Always the bridesmaid, etc.
I have been quite happy loitering in the wings and never expected to win anything. When the list came out for Best Blog Post, there were a couple of hundred entries and people were invited to vote. I confess to having a bit of a skit with this, prompting you lot to vote like the clappers, but I still never imagined it was in with a chance.
I sat here last night and watched events on Twitter. At last I have found a use for the service, and it was almost like being there, but without the noise and the pink. [Judging from the photographs I saw, it was a very pink occasion]
No one was more surprised than myself when they called Rambles for Best Humour Blog. [And for all you Merkans, that is the way it’s spelled]. I was, as they say, chuffed. Again, I didn’t expect it as I had my money on one of the other three [what I had better not mention for the sake of the other two].
I believe it is traditional to thank the sponsors who were Register 365. Unfortunately for them, I don’t need any hosting at the moment and the only other domain name I was interested in is which I thought would be neat. Heh!
Of course I don’t do all this scribbling for the sake of awards. I do it for the craic. I enjoy it, and I enjoy the banter and the comments. I would have given up years ago but for you lot who insist on keeping reading. So in a way the Best Humour award goes to you lot.
The Best Post award though is very special.
Thoroughly deserved GD!
The post for Sandy is lovely.. and regards a humour award too, you're not that cantankerous after all! ๐
What I appreciate here, is that if you usually acknowledge peoples' efforts when they comment. You'd imagine it'd be basic manners, but it seems some reckon they're above that.. You'd only give up talking to yourself.
Can I say too, I think you could have more heartfelt posts. Show a little more vulnerability.. I know it's tough for ye men… Doesn't make you a "kiss and tell tabloid hack" at all.. makes you human. ๐ Anyways, that's just what I enjoy reading.. pay no heed obviously.. I don't put anything out there online myself really, so I can't talk.
Thanks, Anne. That Cantankerous bit was the invention of my publisher [*cough*]. I don't know where they got the idea from?
I reply to comments for two reasons. One is that people go to the effort of writing so it's only right that I should go to the effort of replying. The other reason is the reverse – that I go to the bother of commenting on other sites and they couldn't bother their arses replying and that sometimes irritates me.
As for vulnerability – I don't have any. I am a cynical old bollix to the core and the only "vulnerable" time was when Sandy was ill. Do you want me to kill Penny [or Herself] for the sake of the next post?
" I know it's tough for ye men"
"As for vulnerability – I don't have any. I am a cynical old bollix to the core"
I rest my case. ๐
I thought I just disproved your case?
Anne – Actually, Grandad is a cynical auld bollix if there ever was one. Then again, so was Mr. Hyde. if you catch my meaning.
I really must stop drinking from that bottle….
You do that and this blog might cease to exist. So keep drinking,
I know what you mean Kirk – I've dated a few men in my time like! ๐
Well done on both awards!
The mention of Sandy brought a tear to the eye again! that was a lovely tribute and post!
And you should have been there last night there were a few aul wans there too!
Well done, you too Margaret!
I would love to have been there all right as it is a great chance to put faces to the names. Unfortunately I believe the Osprey have a strict no-pipe policy which is mean. And an auld pensioner would hardly have livened the place any? Was it really as pink as it looked in the photographs?
Absolutely fantastic news GD and I am chuffed to fuck for you. Like yourself I don't blog looking for awards, I just do it to be a pain in the hole to TPTB. The post about Sandy I totally empathised with you on that one.
An award for most humorous blog, how the feck did you even manage to get nominated for that one!
Seriously, well done GD.
Thanks Pete! I don't know how this site ended up in the Humour section. I never discovered who nominated, but if they ever own up you can ask them. I don't think this site is that funny, but I ain't giving the award back!
Grandad, I’m delighted to hear that your beautiful, heartfelt post about Sandy got the recognition it truly deserved. What a lovely, lasting testament to her. Congratulations.
Thanks, Driad. At least today I used a better photograph. In the post itself I used the last one I ever took of her. She looked very tired and ill in it, which she didn't really deserve.
Congrats Grandad!
Both well deserved. Yours is the only blog I read. I find most hold no interest for me.
So keep up the good work.
Thanks Joysness! That is embarrassing! If true, it means more than any award! Honestly.
Class is permanent and all that!
Stab in the dark – is that yourself, XBox? Get writing again and that's an order.
Sorry, yes, that's me.
Would love to, just not enough hours in the day at the moment.
Excuses, excuses!
Ching Ching! well deserved x
Thanks Ashley. I'm beginning to get a bit swollen headed at this rate.
It's not so much that I insist on reading, rather I can't remove the bloody bookmark from my browser.
Still, congratulations old man.
p.s. – I'm surprised at you, pretending to be uninterested in ugg footwear.
Thanks Dad! I put that note there in the hopes that it would save both myself and the spammers a lot of time and energy. It hasn't worked. The fuckers are still writing and are getting worse.
Well deserved Grandad. Quality will out ๐
Thanks Caratacus. Not here, it won't.
And to think you started this blog on a bet (if I recall correctly?). And a heartfelt
congratcongradcongraduGood On Ya’!! for winning yet again. Highly deserved I’m thinkin'(not saying that I voted for you you understand).(Those strike outs better come through this time)
Damn! Missed a comma between the "you you". It's always something.
It's OK. The line-break saved you this time. Or it does on my screen.
It was on a dare, actually. They said that I wouldn't dare write my thoughts and that if I did, the world would never be the same. They were right. The world has gone rapidly downhill ever since.
Thanks for not voting. Appreciated. In return, I didn't fix the strike out.
Hah! The strike outs came through fine, it was the comma I missed. And I did vote for you, by the way. (and leave my strike outs alone please–I coded them in myself you know and it wasn't easy)
Congratulations, Sir! I only recently discovered the pure gold of your blog because of the award nominations……and I believe I've struck it rich with your words of wisdom to get me through each day!
Welcome, Susan and thanks! Pure gold? Pure brass [neck]. I hope my writing meets all the false promises…
Well done matey. Can't say I'm surprised you scooped a couple of awards.
You must (unlike me) use more than two fingers when typing to be able to answer all your comments without it taking all night.
It's been suggested to me in the past that I should write a blog, but being a "hunt and peck" typist, it would be a bloody full-time occupation just to put out a short (less than 1000 words) daily blog! ๐ Mind you, I suppose I could dictate to dearly beloved – she can type English like a demon on speed, as well as rapid touch-typing in her own language, which has something like 44 letters in the alphabet! (Egad!)
Sometimes I feel so inadequate…(boo hoo…)
By the way, I do a really nice line in fake Rolex Ugg boot watches – they're all the rage now – you don't even have to take your hand out of your pocket to see the time, just look down!
How many pairs shall I put you down for?
Thanks! If you want to learn touch typing, just write one of these sites. Or a book. Or both. I was a two-fingered typist but am now quite fast. I use at least four fingers now, and despite half the keys on the keyboard having lost their letters, I still mostly get it right. So there's your answer – start writing.
Though I still use two fingers when it comes to life.
What ? Only two ?
I thought I was being quite magnanimous letting other people in on the act?
You deserved both awards! Congratulations!
BTW I nominated you for best humor blog (please note correct spelling)
Thanks, Brianf! People want to know why you entered an unfunny site in for humour?
You must be dillusional as well as dyslexic Brian he he he! Least we know who to blame now.
Could be a brain tumour.
You should thank us. We fixed it. You were supposed to be out last night at the awards. We have some rewiring to do.
*sigh* Please don't. I had to get an electrician in after the last time.
Well done ya auld bollix, means miles more than a Nobel Piss Prize. We must get started on your presidential campaign any day now seeing as you're riding high!
Ya must be joking! I see Norris has been cleaned out of his retirement fund and still owes a hundred grand. I'm not spending my retirement in penury, or a house in a public park for that matter.
For laughing out loud! Yuv won the humour/humor blog award. Put it in your pipe and smoke it Grandad.
My biggest fault is my modesty.
Onya, old boy.
Right back atcha?
Hi Grandad, well done with the two awards.
Your fellow and not-in-the-least-bitter fellow finalist, Tinman.
Good to see another Wicklow man win it – what with this and Katie Taylor, we're pretty well kicking ass in everything.
Thanks, Tinman. As I said on your site, yiz were robbed. I would demand a recount if I were you. I'd pass the trophy over only a) I don't have it and b) Herself has her eye on it for something or other.
I'd be thinking about that one if I were you. Let us know if you find out what she want s it for, will you?
It could be for storing her false teeth in? Or there again, it might literally be for storing her glass eye.
Congratulations a thousand times over and very well deserved.
Your blog is part of my daily routine and I know the awards are well deserved.
Glad all our votes got you up there.
I'm a tad embarrassed about all that pimping now! But Sandy thanks you all for your votes.
Ah sure what's a bit of pimping between (remote) friends.
May your blog continue to enrich us with Humour rather than Rancour. Savage indignation lacerated Dean Swift's heart over 250 years ago, but he channeled it into uproarious satire. I prefer Cantanker to Curmudgeon too.
Hi Grandad, we lost our own "Sandy" yesterday back home in Clare, she was 16 years old and was with us for 13 of them, sad day for us even if I've been in exile now for over 2 years, she was there before my children and was always so gentle with them, she was the ultimate "no fuss" dog, bed, food, a rub now and again, bark to come in, bark to go out, went off on her little strolls around the neigbours, she'll be sorely missed, farewell Gubby !
I'm very sorry to hear that, Noel. A loss of a "special" dog is very hard to bear. I still think of Sandy every day and still miss her despite it being over a year now and having Penny to cheer me up.
Sleep in peace, Gubby.