
The Accidental Rebel — 16 Comments

  1. I don’t think you can delete your account once you have one. Is that a Maccys hash brown the priest has in his hand?

  2. You could always compromise and delete the person who talked you into opening a Facebook account in the first place? Unless it’s Herself of course as she might actually delete you first what with her being both Irish and female (and shorter than you as well–very dangerous).
    Otherwise, we seem to be in the same boat with the possible exceptions that you’re already my “Friend” and you post to your account more than I do.

  3. I had a farcebook account then deleted it due to their terrible policies on privacy..

    Then as I didn’t have a farcebook account I became an axe murderer for a couple of years.

    Now my dive club insists on posting trips on there so I rejoined. I actually find it good sport – posting stories and websites that I know will annoy people.

    It’s amazingly cathartic and I have been able to give up being an axe murderer. I have been cured by farcebook. How wonderful.

  4. I don’t facebook or twitter.
    I’m not square in shape or mindset and do not fit in a box. Anyone’s box.
    I like it that way.
    I find it funny how threatened many people feel when they find others who don’t fit into their concept of “normal”.
    I’m very glad none of them want to be like me as I’m just as happy not to be like them.
    I’ve never understood this need to be part of a pack. So many people seem to find it difficult to spend time alone with themselves.
    I’m the youngest of 7 children and remember trying to find places to hide as a child just to get some peace and quiet so I could read or just daydream.
    Perhaps I should delete this before the CIA or FBI or Homeland Security put me on their watch list and I won’t be able to take my vacation trip to Ireland next year!

  5. tt – Priest?  What priest?  Where?  Damned black yokes try to creep in everywhere.

    Kirk M – I can’t remember who first talked me into it.  If I could, I would happily delete them.  I might even remove them from Facebook too.

    Stuart – Welcome!  Unfortunately I too have found that certain groups and clubs insist on posting only to Facebook.  It is a right pain in the hole.  And what with running this site and all the other vitally important things in life, I just don’t have the time to be farting around in FBook as well.

    Joysness – I somehow think that to be described as “normal” is the greatest insult.  It conjures up images of grey people all wearing the same clothes and doing the same things and being utterly, utterly boring.  Incidentally, both the CIA and Homeland Security have this site on the red alert watch list, so you are already marked as a terrorist!

  6. Grandad – After I thought about my comment for a bit I rushed over to Facebook to see when I actually joined. Thank heavens, it was in 2009 sometime so it wasn’t me who talked you into it. I was getting quite nervous about it.

  7. The priest who officiated at the wedding . To see the wedding pics on your faecesbook open the link in your post. Jeez it’s like pulling teeth. Senile auld git.

  8. Jayzus, tt!  What do you think I am?  A fucking mind reader?  The only photograph I could see of a priest holding anything is where he’s holding a red book.  I don’t know what it is.  Marriage register?  A phone book?  His porn collection?

  9. Seems to me my “friends” use my facebook account more than I do.  There’s so much stuff from other people that you’d have to look at the top page to see who it belongs to.
    Who are these people?   And now I’m being invited to stuff where I have to reply yes, no, maybe?  How about Ignore?
    Facebook may have it’s advantages, but it sure is annoying as heck.

  10. Patrick – Those invitations are damned confusing!  Suppose I do turn up – how will anyone recognise me?  I certainly wouldn’t know them from Adam.  Unless of course it’s some relative or someone I have been avoiding for years!  😉

  11. Grandad, go back onto facebook (faecesbook..good one, TT), delete all your photos. Change all your details , new date of birth, address, whatever. Make yourself, for instance, a right dickhead or something.
    Then, this is the important one. Give yourself a new password. DON’T WRITE IT DOWN. Forget it for ever.
    That’s it. End of facebook for you.
    It worked for me. Fuck facebook and its little bollix of a gm.

  12. I got a Facebook account at my daughters’ insistence about 4 – 5 years ago, but I never really got the hang of it. Frankly, I really don’t give a twopenny fuck what someone had for breakfast, or that they have a hangover. I just found it a monumental waste of time. So my account, like yours grandad, has been gathering dust ever since. I also opened a Twatter account recently, to try and find out what all the excitement is about, but it has yet to inspire me. I do sometimes wonder if people these days have far too much time on their hands…

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