The Great Fellatio Festival
So tomorrow is the kick-off.
For what seems like an eternity the British Meeja and in particular the Beeb have been trying to whip us up into a frenzy of anticipation for the Olympic Games. All the advertisers seem to think that one mention of the games is going to boost their clientsâ sales a hundredfold.
They must be the most hyped, most touted games in the history of the world.
Am I excited?
Am I goggle-eyed with anticipation?
Have I booked my seat in front of the television for the duration?
Have I fuck!
They havenât even started yet and already I am bored out of my skull.
I am grateful that I donât have to pay towards them. My sympathies go to the Brits who do. I also extend my sympathies to all the Londoners who apparently are going to be shut out of their own city.
I am in the fortunate position of being able to ignore the most boring, tedious spectacle in the world. Once I steer clear of the television, the radio and the printed Meeja I can ignore them, which I fully intend to do. The whole concept of watching people run around in circles leaves me breathless with boredom. I donât care whether it is running, swimming, gymnastics or throwing things around the place; it is by far less interesting that watching the proverbial paint dry. I donât give a flying fuck whether Ireland wins a hundred medals or none.
Should I require some visual chewing-gum by way of the television I shall recourse to those satellite channels which shall mercifully be showing repeats of the repeats they repeated last week. Thank God for technology.
Anyway, how can anyone take seriously an event which has Lisa Simpson giving Bart a blow-job for its symbol?
Filthy – I know. I am speechless myself.
There are moments when the Olympics are well worth watching!
Brianf – She came first too. That’s my kind of gal!
Agree 100%.
That girl is sexy – the Chinese onlookers don’t seem too pleased though!!
Sorry, Spanish onlookers.
first time i’ve seen the symbol for it and i can’t stop laughing, thanks for the share! i’ll be enjoying the olympics in my usual fashion, computer games, you tube searces, total avoidance of any tv coverage.
Well Grandad, once again I agree entirely.
Sometimes I wish you would write something I disagree with just for a change.
On second thought, never mind, it’s nice to finally find people I DO agree with.Â
Is that really the logo???? OMGÂ I can’t stop laughing! (obviously I have no interest in the games if I don’t even know what the logo is).
Mossy – For some reason [and I haven’t a clue why] I have an old slogan going through my head – “get more bounce to the ounce”. I can’t even remember what the slogan was for.
Cat & Joysness – That is indeed the [very slightly modified] symbol. Fucking hideous. It deserves to be ridiculed.
Joysness – I’ll keep trying. One of these years I might hit on a topic that will cause you to leave in disgust?
Well I think one can summarise the bloated shittery of this festival of corporate dickheadery by way of pointing out that the original marathon was celebrating the legendary run of a Greek to call for the defence of Athens against the huge army of Persia- some sixty miles or so they say.
I believe Sir Martin Sorrell of the WPP advertising agency who is very grumpy at the moment because the shareholders of that company have raised a query with regard to his £6million pay for the current year- is carrying the torch at some point. Yup- a superannuated yuppie, overweight and definitely overpaid even according to his own company is to honour the ancients. It is somewhat fitting in a way- the Olympics is a bloated festival of corporate branded numbskullery for the edification of the terminally vapid.
I believe there will be some athletes involved at some point- or at least until they are all barred by the sponsors for getting in the way of the advertising hoardings.
If I have to read one more story about the journey of the olympic torch I’ll surely lose my mind.
Dirty minds. You should be ashamed.
 Dirty feckin’ post should be awaiting moderation.
I would imagine that just about every sinner in the UK has carried that fucking torch by now? We had to suffer it for a day, but thankfully it pissed rain on it. I take it you won’t be watching the games then?
Disgusted – May I offer you a disgusting hand of welcome? Indeed we are intensely ashamed. I’m not quite sure what we are ashamed of, but ashamed we are, nevertheless. As for the moderation – I have to have that there to keep out some of my more unsavoury commentators. But then you haven’t met tt yet?
I had something to say, but I totally lost track after viewing Brian’s video! 🙂
@Brian F. Damn! 🙂
Have you see this:
I always wondered what that damned thing meant – now I know! Thank you!
This has been another public service announcement from Grandad.