A burning problem
Life is full of little problems.
I have a mountain of a problem.
You see, the grounds of Head Rambles Manor have gone way beyond the planting stage and way into the hacking stage. Gone are the days of digging in new flower beds and planting pretty little flowers. Gardening nowadays is an effort of sheer brute force and destruction.
I have quite a few tools to help me in the garden. Ignoring Herself, I have a chainsaw, a branch muncher, a strimmer, and assortment of pruning saws, a hedge cutter, a slash hook and various other instruments of destruction. All these are fine but they have combined to present me with my current predicament – what the fuck to do with all the results of the hacking, pruning, cutting and general mayhem.
For a while now I have just brought all the detritus into one of the woods and left it there. Now it is a pile about eight foot high, and growing higher by the week.
I have some drastic work to be done over the summer, mainly in the hedgerows where I have to cut back enormous quantities of bramble, ivy and other unwelcome guests. But where the fuck am I supposed to put all the resulting stuff? I can’t add it to the mountain as the top is becoming unreachable.
Some of the more discerning of you may have noticed above that I mentioned a branch muncher. That is fine and good for small branches, but if I were to start work on the mountain, it would take about three years to get through the whole pile.
The temptation is to just throw a match at the mountain and let the laws of physics and combustion take over, but as I said – it’s in the woods, and there is more than a fair chance I would set the trees alight.
I like those trees.
But I can’t see any alternative.
I’m going to have to set light to the lot and hope for the best.
Ireland is about to gain its very own Eyjafjallajökull.
I hope none of you has booked a flight over the next couple of weeks.
I have a feeling that Irish airspace is shortly to become a no fly zone.
Maguire & Patterson would be my choice!
Not Green – It’s a toss-up between Ronson or Zippo.
Anyway, it’s pissing rain now.
Have it hauled away. When’s Bob a Job Week?
tt – Three problems there. 1. I would need a large lorry. 2. No lorry [or any vehicle] could get near the mountain, and 3. Not much fun.
Bob a job week? Haven’t a clue. They don’t seem to go in for Scouts much here.
Well pay some Bulgarians to shift it then.
Might I suggest, starting another pile, fuck it, it will decompose over time, by the time the next mountain is too high, this one should be well on the way to rotting away.
tt – Good point. I think there may even be a family of them living in the middle of the pile. There again, they are probably Polish.
Lafsword – Unfortunately I thought of that one myself a few years ago. I now have a whole mountain range out there. The older mountains are harder to see though as they are all covered in nettles.
GD, I have the same assortment of torture implements (tools).
I had four giant Douglas Fuckers I mean Firs in the front garden. I put on my suspenders, stockings, bra and all and armed with my axe and chainsaw dispatched the buggers. They now reside in the shed awaiting the chop to fuel my woodburning stove for the winter. Heh! free fuel and no VAT to the Gubmint.
The back garden was also transformed from jungle to grassland plains.
I too had a hugh pile of that detritis stuff which I made into nice potash for the veggie garden with the aid of Maguire and Patterson and Texaco.
The hear was terrific and I even managed to bake a few spuds for the dindins….yumÂ
Slab – The least you could have done is to enclose a photograph of yourself in your gardening gear. It sounds quite fetching. As I said, my big worry is that the trees will take light in which case I have a very big problem [and probably no house]. The only other solution would be to drag the enormous piles onto the main lawn but then I would have to spend the next few years enjoying a view of a massive great black patch. I don’t fancy that either. I suppose I could always dump it over the wall?
I had to dispose of 100ft of 10ft Leylandii hedge that had gotten out of control a few years ago. It would have cost about a grand to hire a truck and a man do get rid of it.
We have an old equestrian centre beside us and the owner kindly let me remove some adjoining fencing wherupon I could drag all the crap into the middle of a field.
It was torched not long after on a nice Halloeen night. Tosted marshmallows were done for the kiddies too.
 As for my attire, Monty was my fashion advisor,
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mL7n5mEmXJo&feature=related Â
I had to dispose of 100ft of 10ft Leylandii hedge that had gotten out of control a few years ago. It would have cost about a grand to hire a truck and a man do get rid of it.
We have an old equestrian centre beside us and the owner kindly let me remove some adjoining fencing wherupon I could drag all the crap into the middle of a field.
It was torched not long after on a nice Halloeen night. Tosted marshmallows were done for the kiddies too.
As for my attire, Monty was my fashion advisor,
Its even in our National Sprecken
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=aiVOG199X2c    Â