Brown envelopes and back pockets
After fifteen years and â¬300,000,000 the Mahon Tribunal has finally issued its report.
For those of you of a foreign persuasion, the Mahon tribunal was set up to investigate allegations of corruption in the planning process.
For a good deal less than â¬300,000,000 [say â¬200,000,000?] I could have predicted the outcome and it would have taken me fifteen seconds.
The tribunal has discovered that corruption was endemic [shock! horror!] amongst politicians, and mainly in Fianna Fail. This comes as no surprise whatsoever as the dogs in the street have known this for decades.
The method was simple. You are a builder and you want to build somewhere where you know you wonât get planning permission. You wander into the Dail and quietly announce the fact. The bidding war then starts amongst the politicians, each stating their price [anything from a few thousand to five million] and guaranteeing that the planning will be granted. Cash is then handed over in a brown envelope or slipped into a back pocket.
I am delighted to see that that slimy little cunt Bertie Ahern gets special mention. The little fuck was found to have lied through his teeth, which again is something everyone knew all along despite his tearful appearance on the television complaining that no one believed him. Surprisingly the tribunal didnât believe his stories of winning vast sums on the horses. It appears that the gambling excuse was a gamble that didnât pay off. Heh!
Only two questions remain now.
Are we going to have a tribunal to investigate the costs charged by law firms for the Mahon Tribunal?
And is a single sinner going to see the inside of a courtroom. let alone a prison?
I wonât be holding my breath.
300 million? Fuck me! That is truly disgusting. On the bright side you may get to share a cell with him. (GDs Last stand)
Watch out for Part 2 of Bertie Ahern’s biography, co-authoured by little Cecilia: “P.S., I Owe You”
Big time, I should think
tt – That is just the current figure. Apparently there are load of expense claims yet to come in and some are saying the final cost could be half a billion. And I woud love to share a cell with Bertie. The little shit wouldn’t know what hit him.
InisEanna – There really is an excellent argument for terminating that entire family [for services to politics and literature]
Can the little shit not be brought to book for lying?
Or at least shot.
He is definitely guilty of perjury, though I think I prefer the shooting option.
Let’s not forget “Pee Wee” Flynn, eh?! Jail is too good for those CUNTS (a very apt word in this case). I’d prefer dishing out the old “concrete slippers in the canal” treatment.
InnisEanna – I hooked into the RTE site today where hey are running a live news yoke. In the course of that they showed Flynn in the infamous Late Late piece which effectively caused the tribunal. He really was a revolting character [and his daughter is no better]. It just baffles me how people can actually vote for their ilk.
Gimme The AK47, GD. I want to start the cull. Its got to be open season on Financial Traitors, Corrupt Politicians and Thieving Bankers.
Its time to cut out the rot, ‘cos no Court of Tribunal in this land are going to do anything to make a difference.
Slab – We always knew they were a corrupt shower of bastards. but when you see it all laid out in print… to be honest, I don’t think I have enough ammo. Time to resort to piano wire and lampposts?
I just HAD to tell you about what my missus suggested. Out of the blue she just blurted out that the country could have saved 99 percent of the Mahon Tribunal costs if they hired Judge Judy. Jeeezuz, just imagine it!!!!
Bertie: “B-b-bu-bu-bu-bu-but ye-ye-ye-ye-yer honour, oy swear I-I-I-I-I-I-I-……..
Judge Judy: “DON’T GIVE ME THAT BOLONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Chinese Justice for the cunts would have been more effective and cheaper.
However, lessons will be learned and we will ensure that this type of thing cannot happen in the future.
The above will feature somewhere in the outcome.
InisEanna – That would have been a bit of a class act all right. What he really needed was some old biddy yelling at him like he is a five year old.
Slab – Send the lot of them off on a luxury cruise. And then sink the fucking ship.
Patrick – The above has featured quite a few times in interviews this evening. And Fianna Fail are “considering” expelling Bertie. Big fucking wow!
Great piece by Miriam Lord in today’s IT:
Thanks for the link Mossy, now another reason to tell them where to stick their property tax.
Excellent article, Mossy. It should be printed off and stuck on every billboard in the country.