Testing times
Times are tough, financially.
Methinks it is nearly time to revive an old business that used to prove very profitable.
All I have to do is get the word out that I am pally with one of the Driving Test examiners. For â¬50 I can guarantee a pass.
The way it works is very simple. You come to me and I tell you that I can fix your driving test for you. You bung me the fifty spot which I promise to pass onto my friend. Even better, I provide a money back guarantee. If you pass your test, your fifty yoyos are well spent. If you fail your test, you come back to me, whereupon I apologise and say that my friend was off duty that day, and I proceed to give you your money back.
Our local test centre has a pass rate around the fifty percent mark, which means I keep around fifty percent of the bungs.
Everyone is happy.
Especially me.
Sounds like a good plan to me. My missus will be flying over your house about 9 am tomorrow morning. Going to see the Grand National. I will try and get her to drop something on your manor.
Here’s another possibilty-Why not you, GD, become the examiner, collect the 50 clams at the end of the test and pass ecveryone?  That way you can afford a pro to fix your garage door. Good luck!
TT – When they say ‘put money on a nag in the Grand National’, that’s not what they mean.
Willie – I don’t have any official forms to sign. And I am highly insulted at the slur on my workmanship.
you devil you…i like you!
GD..Who Me? Insulting?  Blunt, maybe.
Cat…Don’t encourage GD. It just sharpens his aim at tourists.